Pregnancy I Know

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Roc/Ray/Prince: *staring at all 3 of them*

Roc: well lets just do process of elimination

Jade: i havent had sex in three i"m eliminated *looks at Andi*

Andi: i took a pregnancy test at the job

Prince: why would you take a pregnancy test unless you think your pregnant.

Andi:it was just Mrs. Summer couldnt hire a model 18 or under if she's pregnant. i had to take one to prove i wasnt. *shrugs*

Roc: *to Leah* so thats leaves you

Leah: no it doesnt because i believe in protection! I'm on the pill & i use condoms!

Andi: Damn! would have been pretty epic if it was your and it turned out Ray was the would be a funny story to tell your kids.

Ray/Jade: were not laughing

Andi: *shurgs* i'd be laughing

Jade:*rolls eyes*

Roc: okay so if its not Jade's, Leah's or Miss Comedian over here* points to Andi* then whose is it? *thinks*

Ray/PRince: *thinks* oh no!

Roc: *wide eyed* Shxt!

Leah/Jade: *confused/realizes* this is Bad!

Andi: *shrugs/Home Alone scream*

Prince/Roc:*gives her a look/furrows eyebrows*

Andi: *shrugs* i felt left out..what is everybody so shocked about?

Roc: *holds up pregnancy test* it has to be....Bianca's

Andi: *confused* whose the dad? *looks at Prince*

PRince: Hell nah!!

Andi: *sighs in relief* then who?

Bianca/Prod: *walks in the house*

Andi: *relaizes* Oh My Gawd!!!??....when? where....WHHYYY?!

Bianca: whats going on?

Andi: your pregnant!

Bianca/PRod: what?

PRod: *wide eyed* your what?

Andi: she's pregnant!

Bianca: well thanks Andrea i really wanted him to find out this way!

Andi: *smiles/thumbs up*

Bianca: *rolls eyes/looks at Prod*

Prod: *speechless/shocked* your...pregnant?

Bianca: yes..i wanted to tell you *looks at Andi* at the right time but- that plan was booted!

Roc: so your saying this is yours?

Bianca: *looks at Roc* yes, i pee'd on that

Roc: *disgusted/throws it at her/ goes to kitchen/wahses his hands*

PRod: *silent*

Bianca: *grabs his shoulder* you wanna talk about it...alone?

PRod: *nods*

*They go to the Room*

Jade: well i'm glad thats over..

LEah/Prince: Same!

Ray: yeah, i just feel bad for Prod

Andi: why? its not like he has to carry another person in his stomach for 9-10 months!

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