7 - Them

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Evelyn's POV

It had been dark when they had come for us. It may have been the middle of the morning, maybe late at night, but in my world it was always dark.

I had sensed them before I heard my mum's screams; A sharp sense of uneasiness lurking in the air, the daisies in my room quivering with unrest. By then, it was already too late. Their hands clawed at my skin, sending mixed waves of fear and aggression through my veins. I kicked and yelled, and somehow grabbed the wrists of my attackers and with one last burst of energy I had pushed all my fear, anger, and rage into them, causing them to howl in pain. I hadn't known I could do that before then and I hadn't been able to do it since but in that moment I'm almost certain it had saved my life.

Screaming. Shattering. Silence.

Before I knew it the attackers we're gone, and so was my mum. In the frenzy of fear they had somehow managed to take her. I was alone, somehow it was darker than before.

I had waited for hours that felt like days for her to come home, every distant thump or crack sending me into a state of paralysed fear and absolute hope. But she never came back, so I left. I remember I had 82 missed calls from Jethro when my phone had died, a week after my disappearance. Two weeks later I stumbled upon the Church.

I hadn't ever figured out who they were, but there was an odd lump in my throat that kept reminding me that all my questions would soon be answered.


When I woke up everything was shrouded in black. My neck ached, as did every muscle in my body. Where was I? I blinked hard, waiting for the blue outlines of the contacts to fade in, but my vision remained empty. Memories of my contacts being clawed out began to reemerge, and slowly, so did everything else.


I began to feel panic overcome me. I went to stand but a thick, rough rope held my arms tightly to the chair that I was on. Oh god oh god. I hadn't been in a panicked darkness like this for a while. I had no idea what to do without anyone's help, without Kurt's help. My breathing began to quicken and I felt myself being rapidly consumed by fear. What was going to happen? Was I going to di-

"Evelyn?" A silky voice ask, from deep within my mind.

No way.

"Professor Xavier? Is that you?" I thought back.

"Yes, it's me." His voice was soft but reassuring, which significantly calmed me down.

"Thank goodness, you need to help me. I've been captured by them, hurry I need-"

"Evelyn, I'm going to need you to calm down." He stated warmly, my thoughts immediately halting. "Good, now there are already some of us coming to help you but for the time being I'm going to need you to tell me what you can see around you so I am able to try and understand who these people are."

I felt utterly helpless. Such a simple thing that he asked me to do and I wasn't able to do it. I heard a small warm laugh in my mind.

"You can do anything Evelyn. Just because you no longer have the contacts that Hank provided you with doesn't mean you can't see, does it?"

He was right. I had survived for a long time before them and I was going to now as well. I let out a small click, and another, and another.

"I'm in a small empty room, it's not too small though, and it's empty excluding me and the chair I'm tied to." I thought downheartedly. It wasn't anything for Xavier to go off.

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