6 - Circus

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Kurt's POV

I heard three loud thumps as someone knocked loudly on my door. I didn't move though. I hadn't moved since three hours ago and I wasn't about to start now. Thoughts about what happened in the kitchen kept replaying in my brain, over and over, like a nightmare that you couldn't escape.

I heard more thumps at my door, but I remained still.

"Kurt?" I heard a familiar voice question. "You in there?" Peter asked.

Why would Quicksilver be at my door? And why did I sense a hint of anxiety in his words?

"Nein," I muttered disheartenedly.

"Ha! I heard that," He said a little bit louder. "Open up buddy, you're going to want to hear what I have to say."

I wasn't in the mood for him at all right now. He'd probably been flirting with Evelyn. They're probably best friends by now, I bet they'd been talking about me.

"Go. Avay."

"Come, on Kurt," He persisted, sounding oddly sincere. "It's about Evelyn... I think..." He faded off.

My ears perked slightly at her name. He thinks what?

I'm going to regret this, "Vat about Evelyn?"


He sure knew how to get on my nerves. It was probably nothing, he was just trying to torment me...

I let out a loud groan before throwing off my covers and making a bee line to the door, unlocking it. Before I could even turned the handle I felt a cold gust of wind and turned to see Peter standing by my bed, glaring at my messy room.

"I said, vat about her?" I demanded.

His attention snapped from my disaster of a room, to me.

"After you ditched her in the kitchen she got a bit," He paused looking for the right words. "No, she got VERY upset."

Oh no what have I done. Of course she got upset, I should've stayed and talked to her instead of just thinking about myself. I can't believe I -

"And I think she's run away."

What?! "Vat?!"

In a state of panic I bamfd across my room to Peter, appearing so close to him our noses almost brushed. "Vhere iz she?" I pleaded.

This was a disaster and as usual it was all my fault. What if she's hurt? I thought back to when I first saw her; Clothes dirty, hair plastered to her forehead with sweat.

"I think I know where she went, I can take you," He said seriously, then raising his eyebrows he added, "But I'm not taking you anywhere looking like that."

I glanced down at my gross stain clothes, becoming frustrated at Peter's priorities.

"Who cares vat I look like ven Evelyn's missing?" I half growled, trying to suppress my panic and anger.

I thought I saw a look of amusement flicker across Peter's face but it was gone too quickly to tell. "I care." He replied. I suddenly felt multiple strong gusts of wind from every direction. By the time I knew what was going on, Peter was already back in front of me, a small smirk on his face as he said, "That's better."

What? I realised I felt different. I glanced down and was astonished to find my clothes had transformed into a much cleaner, crisp, and striking outfit, made up of clothes I didn't even know I owned. A strand of freshly gelled hair drifted onto my refreshed face and I swear I smelt like mint.

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