Chapter 14: Memories Part I

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Hadrian eyed him and shook his head. "So, how is Alex? Still enjoying taking it up the ass from him?"

"You know I could kill you–"

"You could try. You keep saying that. What is this, like the hundredth time you've come here to 'kill' me in the last four years?"

Dominic rolled his eyes. "So we are not getting matching friend tattoos. So disappointed."

"What do you want Dominic?" Hadrian paused and looked up with stormy blue eyes at the vampire who seemed to be stunned into silence. Like the question opened up a wound in him.

Dominic stood and knocked once on the table. "To kill you Hadrian. I'll be back."

"Looking forward to it Dom," Hadrian grumbled out as Dominic zipped out the door.

I was pulled.

Through the air falling like I was falling through a soft cloud. Whatever it was, was being gentle with me. Almost like it was carrying me.

"You need to run, your brother knows you're alive. You have to go," Dominic said, his voice rushed almost like he had run too fast.

Hadrian turned around and looked at him. They were in a park and it was cloudy outside; gray and still humid, like it had just rained and barely dampened everything. His black hair was slightly damp, almost like he had just washed it from the wetness of the rain soaking it. People passed by, staring oddly at the two men, but the two men just held each other's gazes.

"I have a mate," Hadrian said with a small smile. Dominic took a step back. Shaking his head like he couldn't believe it. "I didn't think it would happen. I hoped it wouldn't–I am a death sentence to a mate. We both know I'm doomed, Dom. I don't want to do that to another person."

"You have to get them and go then," Dominic replied. "It's not safe."

"Where? Where do I go where they won't chase me? I just want to live what's left of my life out with her."

"I have a place," Dominic sighed out. "It's not much, but it would be safe."

Hadrian cocked a brow. "Says the person who's been trying to kill me for what now? We're going on five–six years?"

Dominic feigned a mock hurt. "You forgot our anniversary?"

"Bastard," Hadrian bit out.

Dominic chuckled then shrugged. "Yes, but this bastard is offering to help you."

"Why? Going against Alex?"

"Because you're my friend Hadrian, and friends help each other."

I was pulled.

I was in an office. An office I had seen before. There was the pleather couch and the large wooden desk. Hadrian was pacing furiously back and forth on the worn out carper. "I want nothing to do with this–this is your war, not mine!" he bit out.

"Don't you turn your back on me brother!" the voice from across the desk drawled out. His chair was still turned around, leaving him still a mystery to me.

Hadrian stopped and faced the desk. "You turned your back on me when you turned into a monster. Can you even see what you have done?"

"I have tried to help this family Hadrian! All you have done is run! What good have you done?!"

"War is not the answer!" Hadrian growled out.

"It is the only answer our family is left with!" There were heavy footsteps as the man crossed the room towards Hadrian. He was about the same size, same build, but dressed in a sharp black suit. He had black hair and the same skin color as Hadrian too. "Do I need to ask your little mate what she thinks?"

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