{Chapter Four}

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Sasha's P.O.V

Zane kept showing up for meetings with the Shadow Lord. We pretty much avoided each other after that. I wanted to talk to him, say something, anything. But I just couldn't. I'm sitting in my room, reading this book about the history of lords, (Yes, I read. Plus, it's about lords which came come to my advantage.) when Gene bursts in. "Zane is meeting with the Shadow Lord." He informs me, a giant smile spreading across his face. "They're almost done."

"Yipee." I respond enthusiastically, turning my attention towards the book in my hands.

"You're going to talk to him."

I drop my book and look up, blushing. "What?" I shout. There's no way. I'm just your average Shadow Knight. Zane's the High Priest of Irene. What are the odds he'd notice me? Better question: What are the odds he'd reject me? Pretty high, I think. Considering the whole bumping-into-him incident. Gene grabs my hand and practically drags me towards the castle. People give us disgusted looks, but we're used to it. We don't care. He drags and drags me to the Shadow Lord's dining room, which is reserved for him and very few other people. I hear muffled voices from inside the door, one of them being Zane's.

"Welp, I'm going to go so you two can get some privacy." Gene says as I sigh in relief. "Behind that wall."


"I need to make sure you actually talk to him. If I leave, you'll just run away or not say anything at all." Gene remarked, then ran away. My shoulders slump. My heart is racing and it stops as the door opens.

"Thank you for the cuisine, sir." Zane thanks as he closes the door. "Oh, look who it is."

The only thing I can think of to do is be sassy. What else am I supposed to do, say: "Oh, I admire you so much! I'm a big fan of your work, even though I don't even know what you do during your work! Let's make out!"

"Me. It's me, got a problem with that, Zane Ro'meave, High Priest of Oh'Kahsis. I almost forgot. Oh wait, no I didn't. You rub it in everyone's faces too much for me to forget." As soon as the words escape from my mouth, I know I screwed up. Great job Sasha, you just ruined your chance of ever hanging out with Zane. Surprisingly, he starts to laugh.

"Wow, I think you're the first person who's ever had the courage to say anything like that to me. Boldness is a good trait for power, whatever your name is."

"Sasha." I respond. "And it's true! You think you're all that, when really you're not!"

"At least people actually know who I am."

"Fine, if you're all that, then come train with me tomorrow. Six in the morning." I dare him, staring straight into his eye as my heart flutters.

"Maybe I will. I think it's obvious who the true winner is." Zane accepts as he struts away. Gene jumps out from behind the wall and playfully punches my arm.

"Guess who's got a date! You, that's who!"

"It's not a- Oh my Shadow King, it is a date." I realize, staring blankly at Gene. He gives me an unsatisfied look.

"You don't seem too happy about it."

"Shadow Knights aren't supposed to have emotions, dummy."

"Obviously you haven't met me, then. Hi, I'm Gene. We don't exactly fit in with the rest of the Shadow Knights, but we don't care because we're just that awesome. Go ahead, explode." Gene orders.

"Sounds echo, remember? Zane'll hear."

"So? Just be silent." I nod, then walk into the room where Gene was hiding. Honestly, I don't want him to see this. I just let it all out right there, jumping and looking like a puppy at a bone market. I casually walk out, as if my whole romance explosion never happened. "Better?" Gene asks.

"Better." I reply.

"Great! Let's go train!"

"Ughhh...." I moan. "Gene, did you really have to ruin this happy moment for me....?"
"Sasha, your date with Zane is a training date. If you beat Zane Ro'Meave, well, you're just about the strongest Shadow Knight ever. Well, second strongest." Gene points out, jabbing his thumb towards himself. "It'll probably play out like this:" Gene took a step towards his left and mimicked me in a high voice. "Oh, Zane. You're such a weakling, but you're so hot!" Gene then jumped back to his right, changing his voice so it was deeper. "Why, thank you Sasha. I'm a man of power, and because you beat me, I'm attracted to your strength." Another jump. "Aw, thank you! Wanna make out?" One last jump. "Yeah baby~ Then can we head over to-"
"Gene! Shut up or..."

"Or what?"

I turn into my Shadow Knight form for special effect. Once you're a full Shadow Knight, you can change back and from your form at will. "Or I'll rip out your vocal chords!"

"Hahahaha! Feisty, eh? Normally you only turn into your Shadow Knight form when we're training. You must really like this guy."

A tint of pink spreads across my nose. My Shadow Knight form melts back into my regular form. "Well, maybe..."

"He's enough to retract your Shadow Knight form, and that's enough for me." I look at him, confused. But I'm not confused with what he's saying. I'm confused with myself.

Retract my Shadow Knight form? The very thought of him? Love....? I'm not supposed to feel love. Gene acts like it's normal. I mean, does Gene think it's okay? We've been taught that love is our only weakness, so how is Gene....

He seems to read my mind. "Emotions aren't weak, as long as we don't forget our purpose. Zane is also evil, so at least you didn't fall for a puny Lord. Sure, fellow Shadow Knights might not approve, but who cares? We have each other." He raised his fist, indicating for me to bump it. "Well? Evil Buddies?"

I smile, and his fist receives a bump. "Evil Buddies. For lif- I mean death."

Shadow over My Heart (Zane X Sasha) (Incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now