{Chapter Two}

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Okay, like I promised, here's chapter two!

This one is set on the same day as last chapter, but in the regular world.

I know it's late, and I'm sorry. Wattpad was glitching out and then I had to go to taekwando....



Zane's POV

"It's in the woods, sir." An O'khasis guard tells me, handing me a map. "This is the exact way to get to it. I have prepared it for you, all you need now is someone's life." I smirk. The plan is falling into place sooner then I expected, which is good.

"Dismissed." The guard leaves my office. Now for the hard part: Killing someone. I leave the building with my sword and look around. The streets are crowded, so I look for an almost empty place. After a while of searching, I enter a bakery. There's only the chef, a woman with plain grey eyes and blonde hair up to her shoulders. She looks very bored, but when I enter the room, her face brightens.

"Finally! A customer. I just started, so I'm kind of low on business. I'm Teri. What would you like?"

"Um, I know it's a weird question, but can I borrow a spoon?" Teri doesn't seemed surprised at all by my question. She nods and hands me a large wooden spoon. If I hit her hard enough, and in the right spot....


She's out cold. (I know you might question how Zane knocked Teri out with a spoon but in MyStreet he got blinded in one eye by a snowball work with me here.) I pick her up, take her outside, and run. Most people know I'm the priest and assume I'm doing some sort of funeral or blessing or things of the sort. When I pass someone who gives me a strange look, I just tell them she's drunk. They nod.

I pull out the map and follow the directions. I run into the woods, getting deeper and deeper and deeper. Finally, I reach it. The Nether portal.

Teri slowly opens her eyes, and her face changes from calmness to alarm. "Hey, what happened? Why are you carrying me? Oh no, did something happen to my shop? Thank goodness you saved me. Wait, did that happen? What happened?"

Teri jumped out of my arms and looked around. Before she can realize what's going on, I pin her against the inside of the Nether portal. For this to work, she needs to be standing in it when I kill her. "I'-I'm sorry, but w-we just met-"

I laughed evilly. "You think this is about love? That I, Zane, high priest of O'khasis, love you?" Teri struggled. She was strong, but I was stronger.

"P-please, I have children." Teri begged. I raised my sword.

"Children?" She nodded. "Children. Well if you raised your children right..." My sword was inches away from her chest, begging to be pushed just a little farther. "They should be able to manage without you." One move, one scream, one strike, and she was gone. I pulled her corpse away from the portal. It started to flicker and glow, but then it was finally fully purple. I could just enter now, but I decide to wait. There's still a little more planning that needs to be done.

I have most of the work figured out, though. I'll ally with the Shadow King, making my power even stronger. Maybe if his armies are strong enough I'll kill him and take over the Shadow Knights. Or I could add on to his army, making both of us even stronger. Those details are to be figured out later.

There's blood on my hands, so I can't go back to O'khasis. There's a stream on the map, so I walk there. I dip my hands into the cold water and a shiver runs through my body. It's freezing! Like the whole thing was an ice cube that just melting. I watch the red flow down the stream, out of sight. Hopefully no one will see that. They might get suspicious and follow down the stream. I turn to Teri. It's bad enough if someone finds a Nether portal here, but a body too? I throw her into the portal and hope none of the Shadow Knights care. No where's the map....

The map!

It's right next to the stream, and I reach over to pick it up, but the wind blew it into the water. Oh no. This stream is so fast! I chase after it. "Come...Back here! I need you to get home!" I shout, as if it could listen. I run across leaves and jump over bushes. I finally pick it up. The water has blurred out the images. I sigh. Now, I'm lost.

I wander around for a few minutes, trying to find the way back to O'khasis. No luck. I sit down on a log and think. I'm smart, and I can find a way out of this.

"Young man, are you lost?" I turn around to see an old man looking at me. "Oh! Well, I'll be. Zane of O'khasis, am I right?" I nod. "Well, if you take a left, then you'll see a cherry tree. Take a right there, then go straight. That should lead you out."

"Thank you, sir." If he's lying, I'll be sure to add him to my "People-I-Need-to-Kill" list. There are a lot of people on that list. I follow his directions to find that he wasn't lying. I'm back, and happier then ever. My trip was successful. I'm walking back towards my house when I spot Teri's bakery. There's a man inside who looks impatient. Better erase my tracks, I think as I walk inside the shop.

"I've been waiting for thirty minutes, and nobody has come to take my order! I need a cake for my friend's party!" The man complains.

"Oh, the owner of this shop closed business. She moved elsewhere last-minute." I lie, grabbing a nearby piece of paper and writing on it. The man looks disappointed that he waited for so long for nothing, then leaves.

When I'm finished writing, the paper says...

"For Sale.

Please Contact Zane Ro'meave if you are interested.

Cost is two diamonds."

I smile. I just earned myself two free diamonds! Being evil does have its perks! I think back to Teri. It's so silly how she thought I loved her. Me? Love somebody? The very thought of it sounds dumb. No, no, I'm too busy for love. I don't need it either. A thought flickers against my mind for seconds, but I push it back.

What if I'm wrong?



I'm going camping this weekend so no chapters for then.

I might not update the next chapter until I get a little more views.

Again, sorry for the lateness. ;~;


Shadow over My Heart (Zane X Sasha) (Incomplete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant