{Chapter Three}

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Don't play music yet.


Okay here's chapter three! And it's still before Season 1.


New book coming out soon! Keep your eyes peeled! 



Third Person's P.O.V

 It's been two weeks since Zane Ro'Meave started his portal. Now, after all the planning is done, he readies himself and jumps in. He isn't used to portals, so when he reaches the Nether, he face-plants on the ground as a snickering Shadow Knight walks by. Zane slowly gets up and smirks. That Shadow Knight won't be snickering any more when he rules him.

No, not one bit.

Sasha's P.O.V

One Day Later

Don't play music yeeeeeeeeeet....

 I. Am so. Proud. Of. Myself.

 I woke up early! Without Gene waking me up or me trying to sleep extra! Today's going to be a great day, I can feel it. Best of all, me and Gene don't have training today! I get the whole day off. I decide to go take a walk, even though there's nothing I haven't seen already. Actually, I don't want to take a walk somewhere where I've seen everything! What about I take a walk inside the castle? Yep, that's perfect! 

 Play Music Now!

 Sticking my hands in my hoodie pockets, I walk out the Shadow Rooms, where all the Shadow Knights live, to the Shadow Castle, where the meals and important business happens. I nod at the guards as I push through the gigantic doors. It's beautiful, in it's own, twisted, evil sort of way. There's a bounce in my step as I walk down the halls, humming a gleeful tune. I glance into the rooms as I walk by them. Some are dining halls, others training rooms, others hallways to more parts of the castle. I don't go in any rooms, just continued straight, for fear of getting lost. 

 "Thank you, sir, for your business. Trust me, you made the right choice." I hear a voice say in a very mischievous way. I'm walking by the throne room when the door bursts open and a man with a bandanna wrapped around his mouth bumped into me.

 "Hey, watch it!" I shout, pushing him back.

 "Do you know who I am?" The door shuts behind him. "I'm-"

 "Look, I don't give a flying fish about who you are. Just stay away from me." I shoot back. To be honest, this man looks kind of familiar, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to figure out who he is. I strut away, and the man looks stunned that anyone would ever treat him like that. He better get used to it though, because this is the Nether we're talking about here. 

 I walk around the castle for the next thirty minutes, enjoying myself. The more I think about it, the more I realize that the man I saw before was kind of handsome. Which is weird, because most of his face is covered either with a bandanna or hair. As I walk out, I bump into Gene. "Hey, tomato. No, seriously, your face is all red. You did some running or something?" 

 Me? Blushing? Gene must be crazy, but he isn't one to lie. "Yeah, I was running." I lie. I don't know how to tell him about the man I bumped into. 

 "Sasha, I know when you're lying. What's up?"

 I sigh. I should've known Gene would see right through me. I know he won't laugh at me, though.  We start to walk and talk."Fine, I met this boy-"

 "You. Met a boy. Well, it's about time! Tell me everything.

 "Okay, okay. I don't like him or anything, I mean, but he's kinda cute. He has dark black hair over one eye, and a bandanna over his mouth, and-

 "Zane of O'khasis! You have the hots for Zane of O'khasis? He's the high priest, Sasha! What's he doing in the Nether, anyway?" 

 "I don't know."

 "Okay. And you do seem into guys with power, so I don't blame you if you fall for him."

 "I didn't fall for him! He's jus-"

 "Zane and Sasha, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Gene teases. I punch his elbow, but not playfully. "Ow, Ow, Owie......" Gene moans. "Okay, I'm sorry. Tell you what, if Zane shows up again, try to talk to him. I'm sure you guys will hit it off."

 "Thanks, Genie-Weenie."

 "Sasha, you know I hate that name."

 "Genie-Weenie, Genie-Weenie, Genie-Weenie, Genie-Weenie." I repeat over and over in his face.  

 "Zane and Sasha sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Soon we're screaming Genie-Weenie and and Sitting in a Trees so loud a Shadow Knight walking nearby gives us a disgusted look. But we don't care. We've been doing it so long we can't keep a straight face. We're rolling on the floor laughing at out dumbness. "We're dorks." Gene states dumbly.

 "Total, unquestionable, dorks." I agree. I lay down next to him and we look up at the ceiling. There are no clouds, but me and Gene like to make shapes out of the Netherrack. "Panda." I point out.

 "Oh, I see it! That one looks like a 6."

 I turn around and point to him. "Hey, Gene, this one looks like a dying walrus." Gene snickers. 

"No, Sasha. You're looking in the wrong way." Gene's pointing at me now. "This one looks more like a dying walrus. It's really fat, too." I raise my fist threateningly. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry! Don't hurt me, don't hurt me, please  don't hurt me!" 

 "I'll think about it. But you have to call yourself a fat dying walrus or else my fist will want to have a little 'playdate' with your nose."

 "Aw, come on Sash-" I give him a stone-cold glare. Gene raises his hands in surrender. "Okay, I'm a fat dying walrus."


 "Wasn't that loud enough?"

 "I want to hear you scream it."

 Gene sighs. No need protesting. "I'M A FAT DYING WALRUS!" The noise echoes around the Nether. Whenever someone shouts something loud enough, everyone in the Nether can hear it because we're all indoors.

 "Good boy." I say, ruffling his hair. It's nice to have a best friend, even if you're supposed to be a ruthless murderer.


Minecraft Diaries: Season Three is coming out this Sunday!
So this book is just going to go throughout Season 1. Some of the events may not line up, so don't blow up the comments with "OMG THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN YOU SUCK UGH UR SUCH A NOOB LOWL"


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