More lies

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Frieda: I'm back
Stella: that's new
Frieda: what's new
Stella: that necklace
Frieda: oh um yeah Tessa got it for me as a late birthday present
Bloom: that's cool
Frieda: okay this is getting on my nerves. What happened to me when I used the water star why won't you guys look me in the eye. What did I do because what ever I did I didn't mean it I know it was something bad so just tell me
Flora: Frieda we don't want to hurt y
Frieda: how can you hurt me we're talking about me please just tell me what happened
Musa: well if you really want to know
Frieda: yes
Musa: alright you're eyes turned to blood red and you started attacking us we just defended ourselves never hurting you it took a while until what ever the water star did to you weakened till you were able to break the spell. It did something to you Frieda
Frieda: but that wasn't me the last thing I clearly remember after doing the spell is you guys staring at me with your mouth wide open in shock and the everything went black
Violete: Frieda
Frieda: what's wrong Violete
Violete: the Trix and Valtor are attacking Rainbow Valley we need your help
Frieda: alright let go
Bloom: we're coming too
Frieda: alright if you say so transport us to Rainbow Valley
Valtor: hello Winx

Magical powder!
Maximum powers!
Bloom fairy of the dragon flame
Flora fairy of nature
Stella fairy of the shining sun
Tecna fairy of technology
Musa fairy of music
Aisha fairy of the waves
Frieda fairy of the rainbows

Bloom: we have the water stars now Valtor you don't scare us
Valtor: is that so I don't think so
Valtor: tsk tsk now Bloom that that's no way to act. What I hold in my hand is what was used to extinguish the water stars in the first place.
Bloom: no! You cheater
Valtor: don't worry sweetie since you have a friend who is given a water star since she was little I can't take it away
Bloom: Frieda
Musa: come on it's the only way to defeat him
Frieda: no it's not it's a trap my good water star isn't going to work turning me evil again and the you might lose
Aisha: we don't need you to win we were perfectly capable of beating villains in the past before you came. We don't need you
Frieda: aren't you guys my friends don't you care about me I never asked for this power I never asked for the responsibility it came with but I accept what life gave to me. I accepted your friendship and now you go and tell me you can care less if I go missing tomorrow. You think you can win this battle on your own go ahead but this is my planet and I'm responsible for every ones safety so I might not be fighting with you but it doesn't mean I'm not fighting at all. Rainbow blow
Valtor: cuz join me don't fight me they don't care about you anyways
Frieda: don't tell me what to do, and for your information I will never ever join you. I will keep fighting until I can ensure that the good will always win because darkness will never always prevail once or twice it might have seemed as you won but truth be told you will never win because you don't have something you're fighting for you just want power. You want to witness power. FULL RAINBOW ENERGY. did you like that cuz. Did you. Leave Rainbow Valley and don't ever come back because you wanna know something cuz. That was only 50% of what I can really do. Don't test me. Leave
Valtor: I'll be back
Frieda: oh trust me you won't be if it's my planet mess with my planet my family my friends so to speak then you mess with me. Come back again and trust me I don't think you'll recover from it
Valtor: I'm leaving
Flora: Frieda you need to calm down
Frieda: don't tell me what to do
Stella: I this is was Arcadia meant when her emotions are more mad the evil water star would act up and when she's happy the good one will act up
Musa: so what do we do
Aisha: who cares
Flora: Aisha I think we all need to calm down before we do something we'll regret
Tecna: Flora's right I think we're going to have to try a fairy dust convergence it might turn Frieda back to normal
Bloom: good idea Tecna

Musa: are you okay Frieda
Frieda: I think so.... What happened I remember some of it but then something weird happened it was like I didn't have control over my own emotions and what I was doing it was the same feeling I had when the water star took over me
Aisha: speaking of water stars know Valtor got away with all our water stars except yours Frieda because yours is soooo helpful
Frieda: wow Aisha you don't have to be so mean plus I found the thing Valtor put them in so go ahead
Flora: thanks Frieda. We need a plan Valtor still has that magical box (which name I totally didn't forget not)
Bloom: I might have a plan to undo that
Frieda: great. So what happened to me this time
Tecna: well your eyes didn't turn red so we didn't know it right away but you were acting strange saying stuff we knew you'd never say but you did scare off Valtor and then we use a conversant fairy dust and then poof back to normal
Aisha: yeah but you said terrible things and I'm no longer friends with you
Frieda: Aisha it's not like I had control over what I was saying trust me I would never say anything that I knew would hurt your feelings. If I said it as a joke and you understood that I was being serious then you won't be mad so tell me why are you mad what did I say wrong what did I do wrong tell me.
Aisha: I rather not
Frieda: if it involves me I believe I have the right to know
Aisha: well I don't want to tell you nor be your friend
Valtor: so the strong seven Winx are conflicted between Aisha princess of Andros and Frieda princess of Rainbow Valley this might be very interesting

Well guys I'm not really in the best mood something killed my day but me updating makes everyone happy :)
On to the Q and A
Q: Have you ever gotten Honor Roll
A: No but I'm working towards it
Anyways that is all for this weeks update
If you enjoyed it be sure to hit that star
Don't forget to comment down below what you thought I love hearing what you guys have to say
And I'll see ya all next time :)

Rainbow Mystery [1] (Currently being edited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang