The Truth Revealed (edited)

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I looked at Eric's bright green eyes as we continued to dance through the night. Despite the fact that I just met him tonight Frieda thought, it felt like I knew him since we were little. Nothing could ruin this moment, she thought as she flashed him a small smile.

Or at least that's what Frieda thought; suddenly the music stopped and the lights began to flicker.

Hello fairies Icy said, somehow we didn't get an invitation, so I hope you don't mind us crashing.

Bloom looked at Icy, you weren't invited and you are not welcomed here Trix!

Well we don't really care so we're crashing your party Dracy said, darkness spread she said spreading her spell until the room was filled with darkness.

Stormy looked at Darcy annoyed, remember we're here for one reason only grab the girl and leave, so don't cause a scene.

Well then Icy said looking at both of them, what are we waiting for, let's get to it.

Bloom called out to the winx, come on girls huddle up!

Frieda looked to Eric, I have to go help my friends.

Eric nodded, go.

Frieda ran from Eric to the girls, a worried look on her face.

Stella looked to Frieda seeing the worried look on her face, hey what's wrong Frieda?

Those are the girls who tried to attack Daphne that day, and then they attacked Bloom which helped me in gaining my Charmix. They are bad news.

Yeah we know Musa said, sadly it's not our first encounter with them either.

Tecna shook her head we are wasting time, we've got to make a move and fast.

The let's transform Flora said.

Magic Winx Charmix the seven girls said in harmony.

Icy looked at the Winx with a smirk, oh I'm so scared, it's the Winx! Ha icicle shards she said throwing her spell.

Bloom rose up into the air, flaming shield she called out, protecting them from Icy's spell.

Digital numbers Tecna said throwing her spell.

Sonic boom Musa said throwing her spell.

Growing ivy Flora said throwing her spell.

Stormy looked at the fairies annoyed, twister shield. Not wasting time huh she whispered to her sisters, well Icy how are we supposed to get to the girl if we can't get through her friends?

I've got an idea Icy said, freeze time. They don't even know what's happening, so let's take advantage of this, they'll obviously try a convergence so if we weaken them....

Then the spell will fail, they'll be stuck on what do and it will give us the perfect opportunity to snatch the girl Darcy said.

Well why don't we just grab her now Stormy asked, it's the perfect opportunity.

Maybe, but Valtor has his reasons Icy said, let's not question them.

If you say so sister Darcy said. The three sisters held hands, dark convergence.

Suddenly time resumed, and it continued on as if nothing happened and the fairies obviously unknown to what had happened gathered to figure out what to do.

Let's try a convergence Aisha suggested, that will drive these witches out of here.

Okay Frieda said, let's do it!

Rainbow Mystery [1] (Currently being edited)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum