Chapter 10-Mirror Says All

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I know it's been so long but I decided it was time to actually update! Sorry for such a long wait guys! Hope you all like it! I had some fun writing this one!(:

I know it's kinda short, but it's an important chapter!



Chapter 10-Mirror Says All

My shoes squeaked against the linoleum floor with my rushed pace.  I soon arrived to the dance studio in my school.  Inside was a small booth containing a rectangular window that faced into the dance room. The window was one sided, so that people could see into the dance room, but dancers could only see their reflection in the mirror.  A door separated the two spaces, to which I went through and tossed by duffle bag to the side.

A year ago, a custodian found me dancing in the studio after school. I was scared he would turn me in for being on school property without permission. Instead, he let me practice there, knowing that I wasn’t some bad kid or anything.

See, the thing is, I love to dance. Hip hop is my main choice, but I do some ballet here and there. This was the only side of me that I never showed to anyone, that and of course, the letter writing. It was just easier to express what I loved without having people question it. Whenever I was tense with homework, I did either of the two. I guess I should appreciate this last hobby, because who knows, Carter might just end up taking one of my hobbies away from me. At least I will still have this left.

I sighed, and shook my head in annoyance. Forget him, isn’t that what you came to do? I chuckled, and changed into a pair of sweatpants, and an off shoulder top. I pulled on my black high top sneakers to finish it off. 

Tossing my hair into a high ponytail, I walked swiftly over to the stereo set and plugged in my phone, which held a playlist of all my favorite hip hop songs.

Breathing in slowly, I faced the mirror and waited for a song to play.

I was off, spinning, moving, and dancing all over the place. Most people would be shocked if they saw me now. I did not exude the type of personality that would support a hip hop dancer, but hey, don’t judge a book by its cover right?

I continued to move to the music, letting myself get lost in the transition, and temporarily forgetting anything that’s been bothering me.


“I’ll go grab it!” Carter yelled to his coach. He offered to go grab more jerseys for a practice lacrosse scrimmage game after school.

Running inside the building, he headed towards the gym lockers, which held all the sports equipment. Grabbing a bag of spare jerseys, he proceeded to head out of the locker room when he heard music playing nearby.

His eyebrows furrowed, as he tried to recall whether or not the dance team was practicing today. He was sure they weren’t.

Curiosity got the better of him, as he exited the locker room and headed to the right, approaching the dance studio.

He opened the door and walked into the booth. Carter was momentarily stunned, as he saw who it was practicing in the room.

He could not believe his eyes. There, dancing like some professional was Sammy.  The way she swayed her hips and moved to the music acted like a hypnotic force stopping Carter from leaving.

Eyes still plastered to the scene before him, he crawled into one of the seats and continued to watch in surprise. She was breathtaking when she danced. The way she stared into the mirror, it seemed like she was looking right at him.

One last move and then her body came to a stop. Breathing deeply, she wiped her arm across her forehead.  Sammy grabbed her water bottle and chugged the liquid down.

Walking over to the stereo, she shut off the music and unplugged her phone.

Carter immediately shot up to his feet. He couldn’t let her see he was here.  He quickly climbed down from the seats, grabbing the jerseys and slipped out of the booth before she could see him.

He ran down the hall and turned a corner, hiding behind it.

As he caught his breath, he saw Sammy pass by carrying a duffle bag across her body.

She was looking down at her phone, fortunately for him, and continued to walk on, unaware of him presence.

Carter tried to wrap his mind around what just happened. Apparently there was even more that she was hiding from him.

He continued to watch her as she walked down the hallway, until she turned a corner and was out of his sight. He breathed a sigh and decided it was probably a good idea to go back to practice.

Jogging back to the field, his coach asked him what took so long.

“Sorry coach, the jerseys weren’t where I expected them to be,” he answered, turning away from him and looking towards the parking lot to a familiar face getting in her car.


Hmmmmm? Two secrets? And what's with the whole Carter thing? Is he really beginning to have a soft spot for Sammy?

Keep reading to find out!

And thanks so much for reading! Please tell your friends if you think they'd enjoy this book as well!

Happy reading to all of you!(:


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