(15) Costume party

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"Thanks for last night, Mrs Jones," Grayson says, smiling. I roll my eyes. Why are people so chirpy in the morning?

"Let's go, Az," Grayson says, tugging my arm.
I went to bed late last night and woke up early this morning because Grayson came and picked me up.

"I question your optimism," I mutter under my breathe. I hear Grayson chuckle. It's quiet then and I almost drift off to sleep.

"So," Grayson says, raising his voice slightly.
"Mmm," I say, half asleep.
"Have you heard about Josh Branson's party?" He asks.
I shake my head, not that interested.
"It's a costume party,"

At that I immediately perk up. "Costume party you say?"
Grayson smiles. "Yeah, you wanna go?"
I nod eagerly. I just had a late night last night, but I still want to go to a party.
I need to get my shit together.

"Great. We can go buy our costumes after school," he says, pulling into the school parking lot.
"Thanks. I'll see you later then," I attempt a smile and make my way inside to my locker.

I have Biology first so I don't bother to meet my friends, but instead grab my books and make my to the classroom.

Maybe I can sleep till class starts...


"Is it true that you fell asleep in Mr. Goodman's class?" Alex asks, laughing.
I nod. I can do nothing without people finding out. What a joy.

"Have you guys heard about Josh's party?" Hannah asks, changing the subject.
"The costume party?"
"Yeah," Hannah looks at me, surprised. Usually I don't know about these types of things.
"Are we going?" Rose asks.
"I'm going with Grayson," I say, but regret it as soon as it comes out of my mouth.
"What?!" Hannah asks.
"I mean I'm going with him after school to look for a costume and then we'll just go together," I shrug.
Hannah smirks.
"Don't look at me like that," I tell her.
"Look at you like what?" She asks, acting innocent.
I roll my eyes and bite into my apple.
"If you're going, we're going too," Hannah says. Rose and Alex nod in agreement.
"The 3 of us will get costumes after school then," Hannah smirks.
"But don't worry, Az. If we see you, we'll just take some pictures and be on our way,"

I sigh and place my head in my hands.
"You love us," Alex says, poking me in the side.
And that's exactly it. I do love these freaks.

"I'll see you tonight," I say, taking my apple and leaving the cafeteria.


"So are we shopping together?" Grayson asks me when we get to the mall.
"No," I shake my head. "Let's surprise each other,"
"Okay," he grins. He goes one way and I go another way.
Already, I know what costume I want, so I go around the mall looking for the perfect material.

After almost 2 hours, I have my whole outfit and I'm ready to leave. Shopping bags in hand, I make my way to the food court to meet Grayson.
"You get what you wanted?" I ask him.
"I did," he grins.
Together, we make our way back to his car.

"So, we'll go to my house, change there and go to the party?" Grayson asks.
"Sounds like a plan," I smile.
He starts the car and we make the way to his house.

"Grayson! Where's the Nutella?" someone shouts and none other than Dylan Lively trots down the stairs.
I see Grayson put his head in his hands. "In the top cupboard," he says.
"So this is the infamous Dylan?" I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest. "The one who broke my sisters heart?"
Grayson nods, head in hands.
It takes all my self control not to smack this prick in the face.
"Grayson, who's this?" Dylan asks, nervously eyeing me.
"Azacia Jones," I say for him.
"As in the sister of Josie Jones?" He asks.
I nod. That's all it takes. He grabs the Nutella and bolts back up the stairs.
I laugh so hard, I'm pretty sure I sound like Ursula from Ariel. Damn.
"I wish I could do that," Grayson finally looks at me.
"Do what?" I ask.
"Let's just say, I haven't seen Dylan run that fast since that dog chased him when he was 8 years old,"
"Oh that. Well, I have a bit of a reputation among my sister's friends," I say, trying my best not to break out into a cackle.
"I'm sorry," Grayson says.
I shrug it off.
"You wanna go get changed now?" I grin.
"Yeah, you can change in my room and I'll change down here,"
"Thanks," I say. Grayson leads upstairs to his bedroom.
His walls are navy blue and the bed sheets are white. His walls are pretty empty except one section where there's string along the walls and attached to the string are colored pegs.

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