(2) Loyalty

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"If you don't leave now, you're gonna be late for school," Dad warns, from behind my bedroom door. Grabbing my books and tote bag I quickly open the door.

"I'm ready," I say, picking an apple off the counter for breakfast. And, as I'm heading for the door, dad says," forgetting something?" And wiggles my car keys.

"Thanks," I smile, catching if perfectly. "You're taking Josie, right Jack?" He nods, and that's all I need before leaving.
I slip my stuff into the passenger seat, before hurrying over to the drivers side.
Once I'm inside, I pull away.

After a 15 minute car drive, I arrive at school and park into my parking spot. They gave us each one at the beginning of the year. I managed to get one moderately close to the entrance.
By the time I arrive at my locker, my best friends Hannah, Alex and Rose are standing having a conversation.

"Why are you guys standing around? We're gonna be late to class," I say, urgently. I really don't like being late, even though I love sleeping and always oversleep.

"What are you talking about?" Alex says.

"The bell is gonna ring in like 2 minutes,"

"Az, you're 10 minutes early," he says. Confused, I pull out my phone and check the time. Alex is right, I'm 15 minutes earlier than usual. "But, my alarm clock said otherwise, and dad..." I trail off. "I can't believe they actually did that,"

Rose chuckles. "At least today you won't have to stress about being late to class," she says. Rose is always the positive one. But, I guess she's right.

Suddenly, the hallways go quiet, and there's only one reason. Grayson Lively, and his best friends: Darren and Caleb. Instead of gawking or swooning over South High's golden boys, I turn back around to face my friends.

"Dylan and Josie broke up," I inform them. Their faces a mixture of shock.

"Yeah. Dylan cheated on her," I scowl. Why is no one loyal these days?
I take my Maths file out my locker and make my way to the classroom with Hannah.

"Don't you love Maths first thing in the morning?" She asks, and if I didn't know her like I did, I'd think she was being sarcastic, but she isn't. Hannah absolutely loves Maths.

"Yeah. I'm so hyped, Han," I say, drawling sarcastically.


When the lunch bell rings, I gratefully pack up my books and make my way to my locker. The period before this was Biology, which I didn't have with any of my friends. This meant that I usually met them in the cafeteria.

After grabbing an apple, salad and a bottle of water I sit down at our table. Hannah scrunches up her face. "What lunch did you get?" She asks with disgust.

"Salad," I say, slowly and she recoils. I laugh, "I'm trying to eat healthy,"

Hannah rolls her eyes. Rose says, "You don't need to eat healthy,"

"Growth is important, guys," I say, and that's the last of that topic.

"Az, why is Grayson Lively staring at our table?" Hannah asks, nervous. Taking a bite of my apple, I turn around.

"He's not looking at us," I say. Obviously. "He's looking behind us, at Tracy and her friends," and I fight the urge to eye roll.

They don't look convinced.

"C'mon guys, why would he even be looking at us?" I ask. They all stare blankly back at me.

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