(6) Summer

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This week went extremely quick for me. It's Friday! Just last week I was invited to Grayson Lively's party.
As I step out of the shower I walk over to my closet. I pull on a black tee with white printing that says "fries before guys" with faded denim shorts and pair of kaki converse sneakers. To top it all off, I add my shades, using it as a hair band. I leave my hair loose at the sides.
"You ready, Jo?" I ask, stepping out of my bedroom. As I walk down the stairs she exits her bedroom. Smiling, I grab an apple and take a bite into it.
"Why are you in such a good mood?" She asks, a surprised and questioning look on her face.
I laugh. The thought of me being this chirpy early in the morning is ridiculous to my friends and family.
"I'm just happy summer is finally here," I smile. And it's true. That's the reason I brought out my sunglasses. Summer is my favorite season.
"Oh," she nods her head, finally getting it.
"So are you ready to leave then?" I say, taking another bite into my apple. She nods before grabbing a granola bar off the counter. "Then let's go," I say, grabbing my keys and swinging my tote bag in my arm.
Once we're in the car, Josie smirks at me. "What?" I ask, looking at her for a second before pulling off.
"Summer isn't the only reason you're in such a good mood," she says.
"What are you implying, Jo?" I ask, genuinely curious.
"Mmm, idk. A boy?" She smirks, raising her eyebrows teasingly.
"I don't need a man to keep me happy," I say, proudly.
"That doesn't mean he doesn't make you happy, though," she points out.
"Well, sorry to say, Jo, but you're wrong," I point out.
"Sure," she says, sarcastically. We don't speak until we get to her school.
"Enjoy summer, Jo!" I shout out the car window.
"Tell your boyfriend I say hi," she shouts. Shaking my head, I reverse and drive to my school.

"Hey, guys!" I smile, hugging my best friends. They all hug me back, but very awkwardly. "What's wrong?" I frown.
"I think we should be asking you that," Alex says.
I laugh. "It's summer!"
Realization begins to sink in as they all remember it's my favorite season.
"Does this mean you'll be early for the whole season?" Rose asks.
"Probably not," I mean, I'm pretty unpredictable. I don't like it, but it is what it is.
They all nod.
"So," Hannah says excitedly. "What are we doing to celebrate summer?"
"I'm not sure yet, but I'll let you know," I say, allowing myself to get excited too.
"I'm hyped," I say.
"Same," Hannah smiles.
"What about you guys?" I say, turning to Rose and Alex.
Alex smirks. "Same,"
"Yeah," Rose says, a smile forming on her face. "Good," I clap my hands. As soon as I do, the bell rings for class. I make my way to Biology.


When the lunch bell rings, I make my way to my locker. As I finish packing my books away, hot breathe fans my neck. Slowly, I turn to face him. "You look hot," he smirks. I feel my cheeks heat up. "What do you want Grayson?" I ask. "A little birdie told me summer was your favorite season,"
"Well, it is," I say, mentally slapping Hannah.
"To celebrate, I was wondering if you'd like to come to the beach with me this weekend,"
"Me and you?" I ask, raising my eyebrows skeptically.
"And our friends," he shrugs.
"Why do you want me to go?" I ask.
"It's all part of me making it up to you," he smirks.
"I'll think about it," I say.
"C'mon, princess, I know you wanna go," he teases. After a moments thought I sigh, giving in. "Alright,"
"Good. I'll text you the details," he says and begins to walk away.
"You don't have my number," I call out to him.
He turns around. "I have my ways, princess," he winks and continues forward.

"Which one of you told Grayson that my favorite season was summer?" I ask, sitting down at our lunch table. "It might have been me," Hannah smiles. "Great," I say sarcastically. "I found out what we're doing to celebrate summer," I inform them.
"What?" Rose asks, getting excited.
"We're going to the beach with Grayson Lively and his friends," I say.
"What?!" Hannah smiles.
"What?!" Rose asks, shocked.
"What?" Alex asks, confused.
"Grayson wants to take us all to the beach to make it up to me for his brothers actions," I say. "He figured a good way to start was by taking us to the beach since summer is my favorite season," I look over at Hannah.
"When are leaving?" She asks.
"Sometime tomorrow. I'll text you all when I know,"
"This is gonna be great," she says.
I only hope she's right.


"Where are you going?" Mom asks.
"The beach," I answer.
"When are you going?"
"Tomorrow morning, I think,"
"Who's taking you?"
"Grayson Lively,"
"How long are you going for?"
"A day, a day and a half at most,"
"Just let her go, Susan," Dad says, joining in the conversation.
"Fine," Mom sighs.
"Just be safe and use protection," Dad says.
I cringe. "Eww, dad. It's not like that,"
"Whatever you say," he laughs. I run upstairs, enough of that conversation. When I grab my phone off my bed I see I have a message from an unknown number.

Hey, princess. I'll pick you up at 13:00 tomorrow afternoon. Be ready. Caleb will pick up your friends. -Grayson, your Beast.

When I see the message, I first save his number before replying.

Me: Thanks. See you tomorrow then.

Beast: Goodnight, Ariel x

Me: Night Beast!

I text Rose, Hannah and Alex repeating what Grayson told me. After that, I switch my phone off, placing it on my beside table. I shut my eyes. I need to pack. I internally groan.

Tomorrow will be interesting.


"I'm not joining your cult, Leah!"

"It's not a cult, it's a friendship group," I whisper.

All jokes aside... Hi!

How you doing?
I'm doing just fine. I lied. I'm dying inside. {cringe}

Sorry for the shitty chapter. It was rushed. There really are no excuses.

The next one will be all Gracia! I promise.

I added a cast!

Azacia's outfit:

Luv you guys, Xxx

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Luv you guys,

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