(23) School

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|| AZACIA ||

I drag myself out of bed this morning, not sure why I even decided I would go to school.
When I step out of the shower and catch a glimpse of myself , I shudder.

Last night, I cried myself to sleep. This morning, there are bags under my eyes, which are now swollen.

After what happened yesterday, I didn't dare come out of my room. Jack, Josie, even dad came inside, but I remained mute. And I remained still.

As I walk into my closet, I pull on my cutest colorful pair of shorts and a black hoodie. I add grey vans and leave my hair in it's natural wavy state.

I say a brief good morning to my family, avoiding all eye contact and make my way outside.

The drive to school is long and slow. I haven't had the chance to tell Hannah what happened as she was busy with Darren. But, either way I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to tell her or the others.

Hannah grins as soon as she sees me approaching. I muster up all the courage I have to listen to her and look happy.

"Darren and I are thing, he asked me out!" She smiles, clearly ecstatic.
"That's amazing, Han. I'm so happy for you," I hug her.

Then she smirks. "And guess what Rose and Alex were getting up to while we were away,"
My face fills with confusion, before it sinks in.
"Really?" I gasp.
She nods. "Now it all makes sense. Alex being weird about a girl he likes, them spending lots of time together and agreeing on everything," I conclude.

Rose and Alex like each other!

The bell rings then and I make my way to Biology. With both Hannah and Rose in successful relationships, it makes me feel worse than I already do.

As the class goes on, I try not to think about Grayson and when I do, my heart wrenches.

I touch a finger to my lips, remembering just days ago Grayson's lips were there. The feeling lingers for a while, before I try and get back to work.

I need to forget about Grayson for now.

Once the lesson has ended, I slowly pack up my books and walk to my locker. I'm not really looking forward to going to the cafeteria and hearing about how great everyone's lives are.
But, unwillingly, I make my way there.

But before I even make it to the door, I stop dead in my tracks. Just when I thought I couldn't cry anymore, tears slowly make their way down my cheeks.

Some blonde bitch from that party last time, is pressed up against Grayson and has her mouth all over his.

"You move on fast," I mutter, making a left into the girls bathroom before going anywhere.

"Azacia wait!" I hear his scream.
But it's too late, my heart is ripped in two.

Rushing into the stall, I let the tears free fall.
I despise Grayson for making me feel this way. It isn't fair that I cry my eyes out over him, while he parades around school kissing girls like it's nothing.

Our kiss wasn't nothing.
At least to me it wasn't.

Once I've dried up my eyes and made sure I don't look completely hopeless, even if I feel that way, I make my way to my car.

I begin the drive home and as soon as I step inside, I run upstairs to my room.
Once again, shutting myself inside.


so it's short, but I have another surprise...

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