Part 15 - Oppy

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I looked out of the window with disbelief on Tuesday morning. Whirling snowflakes were converting trees and rooftops into surreal sculptures and obscuring the world in diminishing shades of white.

I switched the TV to the weather channel and watched the forecaster cheerfully announce the first snow storm of the season, fifteen to twenty centimetres, not a Snowmaggedon but close. And it wasn't going to melt until Wednesday. I hated snow. It looked pretty in pictures but I was sure it was harmful to the human body in large doses.

Mr Kowalchuk was sliding a large scoop into the snow bank blocking his driveway. 'I love this stuff,' he grouched sarcastically. 'I haven't had a single mosquito bite this morning.' He dumped the scoopful of snow on one side and resumed his attack on the snow bank.

We couldn't find Dr Zhang or Denny, so the morning was taken up with a mixture of history and English. I was glad when lunch recess arrived so we could continue talking about our brief visit to the RMS Titanic. We found a quiet corner in one of the class rooms and inspected the contents of our lunch bags. I was slowly finishing off the candy we had collected at Halloween. 'Do you think Fudge Eyeballs are more nutritious than Toad Kisses?' I asked.

'Pepperoni gob stoppers are best,' Miguel advised. 'More vitamins.'

'Be serious you two,' Licia chided.

'Oh-ho! This is where Goldilocks is hiding.' Boz stuck his nose through the doorway. 'How's your porridge, Doynk, not too cold, eh? What are you three bears gabbing about. What's the big secret?'

'Nothing that would interest you,' Licia snapped. 'It would require more brain neurons than you have.'

Miguel was a little more blunt. 'Boz off, Bug. No one invited you.'

Licia and I suppressed giggles as Boz glowered, unwilling to back down but not ready to provoke a fight with Miguel.

I broke the standoff. 'I've finished my lunch,' I told Licia and Miguel. 'How about we chill outside where the air is . . . er . . . chillier?'

'Being kissed by toads always makes me upchuck,' Licia hissed as we passed Boz on our way to the exit. Boz glowered but said nothing as he ambled away, he was probably trying to think of a sarcastic retort.

I nodded toward the shambling figure of Boz. 'Where's he going?'

Miguel grinned. 'Into the heart of dorkness.'

Licia was still giggling about Boz the Bug five minutes later as we walked outside in the snow.

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But it was a week later before we got to see Dr Zhang again. He invited us to his office while we were on lunch recess and handed each of us a sheet of paper.

'Ah-um, before I say anything further, I'd like you to sign these non disclosure forms. They are quite concise.'

I, the undersigned, in consideration of information received, agree not to disclose to any person for any purpose information obtained as a result of the educational or research work of Dr Lee Zhang.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . At Ottawa, Ontario.

Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . Witnessed . . . . . . . .

I looked up in mock alarm. 'Do we have to sign it in blood?'

'It's not essential, Ziff.' Dr Zhang gave me a bland smile and offered a pen. We all signed the contracts and witnessed each others' signatures.

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