"Hi." Isaac replies nonchalantly.

"Did you bring a jacket?" Stiles asked as he sauntered over to the two, "It's chilly out here."

He didn't want to be seen by anyone- He didn't want anyone to notice his flushed complexion and the darkness under his eyes. So, Isaac keeps lips pressed together tightly, only shrugging down at the ground. 

"Did you eat something?" Scott inquires, giving him a concerned look. Isaac shrugs.

". . Did you get any sleep?" Stiles asks. Once again, Isaac shrugs.

"Jeez, man." Scott sighs, rubbing his arm soothingly. "I know this is hard, but you still have to take care of yourself."

You don't know anything, Isaac thought to himself.

"Guys," Derek calls from the forest, catching everyone's attention. "We're ready."

Isaac is quick to walk over, looking down at the makeshift hole derek had spent all night digging. It was much like the ones that had been dug for Erica and Boyd, both buried just feet away from Carmen's grave.

Carmen lay delicately in the hole, her hands folded over her chest in an X. She looked beautiful to Isaac- She always did, and she always would, even if her body was nothing but bones and ash. 

In this moment, Isaac found it hard to believe that he would ever fall in love with someone else, as every time she crossed his mind, he'd fall in love with the thought of her all over again.

Everyone gathered around the hole, staring down at her in their own grief.

"We should uh. ." Derek starts, realizing that his voice came out scratched and raspy from his oncoming tears. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "We should all go around and talk- You know, about her. Who wants to go first?"

"I do," A voice spoke behind them, causing them to all whip around. Casey was walking their way, his eyes bloodshot and drooped. Derek immediately tensed up at the sight of him, beginning to stalk towards him, but Scott shot an arm out to stop him.

"What are you doing here." Derek growls lowly at him, his canines beginning to poke out.

"No," Casey shakes his head, sniffing. "No, you don't get to do that. You don't get to decide who can attend and who can't. I cared about her just as much as all of you, and I just want to watch the burial."

"You-" Derek begins to launch towards him, but Scott and Kira both go to hold onto him. 

"Derek," Scott snarls in his ear meanly, "I know you two have bad blood, but now isn't the time. This is a time to celebrate Carmen, and he has a right to be here. Put your troubles aside for Carmen's sake, just for today. You know she wouldn't want this."

Derek began to come down, his breathing finally returning to a normal pace. His nose flares as he begins to retreat from the group and into the wrecked house, but not before muttering a, "Fine. I'll be back."

The group all stands in an awkward silence, patiently waiting for Derek's return. Isaac turns to face Casey, his lips, blue from the cold, opening to speak.

"Hey, t-thank you for coming." Isaac greets genuinely, a weak smile playing on his lips. "I'm sure she would really appreciate you coming- All of you."

"Obviously it's not the fanciest burial ever," Stiles commented, eliciting lighthearted chuckles from the bunch. "But I think it's what she would have wanted."

Isaac nods in agreement just as Derek emerges from the house again, his hands full of yellow flowers. He goes around and hands one to everyone- Including Casey- and takes his former spot beside Scott.

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