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9 MONTHS LATER...Srry it had 2 be that way...

Angel pov

I look like I'm ready to pop any time. I'm scared...scared me or the baby will die...I will die...he or she will die. I walk down the hallway. I feel a huge painful kick making me fall to my knees with a broke...

"Carl!" I scream.

Carl's pov

I hear a scream...Angel's scream...I run down the hallway. I finally reach her.

"My water broke..." she moans.

"Maggie!" I yell.

Maggie, Carol, Dad, Daryl, and Glenn race down the hallway.

Dad takes me in a different room and we sit down on the couch and wait. I hear her scream. I jolt up.

" don't wanna see that." Dad says grabbing my arm.

I sit down almost hyperventilating, my muscles were tightened, and I was tapping my foot, sweating as well.

I hear her scream again. I jolt up bolting for the door but Dad holds me back as I struggle. That's when I hear a baby's cry, I sigh in relief.

Dad let's go and we sit down.

"I'm...a Dad..." I whisper.

"I've got two grandkids." Dad says running his fingers through his hair.

" is Daryl." I smile.

Maggie comes in the room.

"She's fine. She had a girl with a headful of brown hair, she has big hazel eyes, and freckles." Maggie giggles.

"Heh..." I laugh.

"After we clean up Angel wants to see dose your little girl. Also Angel wants to see Malichi." Maggie smiles.

"Ok..." I smile.

Angel pov (Yay!)

I take a breath and let out a sigh.

"I did it..." I breathe.

"You did." Carol smiles.

Dad is cradling his grandaughter.

"Having fun grandpa?" I giggle.

"What ye naming er?" Dad asks.

"I dunno." I smile.

Carl jogs in with Malichi, and Rick.

"Where's my girls?" He smiles.

He walks over and sits on the edge of my bed. Daryl hands him our baby.

"Carl?" I smile.

"Courtney Oliver Grimes." He smiles.

"Ok?" I giggle.

"You like that?" Carl asks me.

I nod smiling.

"You like that little Courtney? Huh?" He coos.

She giggles.

"Yeah?" He chuckles.

"Can I see my baby?" I giggle.

He hands her to me. She holds my pointer finger smiling.

"Hey little one...Courtney..." I smile.

Malichi looks at her with a warm smile.

"Hi little sister!" He giggles.

Courtney giggles. I yawn not even realising how tired I am.

"Alright, time to hand er over and rest." Dad smiles.

I nod sleepy and Carl takes her kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight." He smiles.

"Goodnight." I yawn.

He smiles and walks out with everyone else. Malichi hugs me then runs out.

I then cuddle up under the blankets and fall asleep.

hope u guys like it!! Srry so short my cousin was rushing



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