Say What Carl

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Angel pov

I wake up and slip outta Carl's arms and go to the mirror. 3 hickey are up my neck I move my hair to see 2 more on the other side. Ugh...Carl. I see him set up and hop outta bed; he comes up in behind me and from behind he raps his arms around me.

"Caaarrll, you gave me so many hickeys-" I say getting cut off by him.

"Shh...thier love bites." He smiles.

"Carl." I laugh.

"Mmmph yeah." He smiles.

"I love you." I laugh.

"I love you more beautiful." He smiles.

"Beautiful? Oh wow so orginal." I giggle looking at him through the mirror.

" 'bout gorgeous?" He says.

"Hehe. Either way Blue eyes." I smile.

"Blue eyes?" He smiles.

"Yeah blue eyes." I smile.

"I love you so much." He smiles.

"I love you to the universe and back." I giggle.

He kisses my cheek.

"Alright I'm gonna go get ready." I smile.

I go in the bathroom and change into a black crop top, blue jean shorts, a red plaid flannel around my waist, converse, and my hair is up.

I go in the bathroom and change into a black crop top, blue jean shorts, a red plaid flannel around my waist, converse, and my hair is up

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I come outta the bathroom and go to Brienna's house.

Carl pov

I go downstairs after getting dressed and go sit with dad in the living room.

"So you and Angel?" He smirks.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What did you like so much about her?" Dad asks.

"I love her smile, her laugh and giggles, her brown eyes when the shimmer, I love how her nose wrinkles up, I love when we moved back in with her, I love it when I make her blush, I love it when she's sassy, I love it when she acts stupid for an absolute stupid reason, I love it when she's mad at me over eating all her cookies, I love her nose ring, I love her soft long brown hair, I love how she's so kind, I even love it when she overreacts about me talking to girls." I say.

"Ok! Jeez!" He says.

"I could go on forever about things I love about her dad." I smile.

"I can tell." Dad says shaking his head.

"Dad?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"I...I think...I...wanna...marry Angel." I say.

"What?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I say.


*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Angel bursts through the door.

"Carl! Rick! The walls fell!" She yells.

"What?!" I yell.

"Guys get your weapons!" Dad screams.

Angel and I run upstairs and get weapons. She runs over to me.

"I can't lose you again." She says.

"You won't." I say.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you to." I smile.

She kisses me. We pull away and run downstairs. Dad was gone we go outside and get in the car and drive off.

Sorry bout Tha short chapter!! Hope u like it!! I'll update asap!!!!


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