This is how I die

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A lot happened in the last few months.

For instance, all hell broke loose. But that wasn’t the highlight. Because..

I died.

I guess I should start from the beginning.

This is the story, the story of how I died.

It was 4 months ago, where we left off. I woke up, normal morning. But it really wasn’t. When I walked out of the house, something was different. I could feel it. But I had no idea what it was. That was a lie. The field was covered in fire and animal corpuses. But it wasn’t just animals. There was an… elf. A braid in her hair. A bow in her hand. She was dying. She was screaming. Writhing in pain. And I had no way of helping her. I didn’t really feel bad, more as I knew how Duncan would react to this. She was screaming his name. As if he was going to save her.

Before I could even figure out a way to get to her without setting myself on fire, her cries stopped. An arrow in her heart, her body went limp.

I think I have to take over at this point. Mabel is horrible at explaining things. So basically, elf girl named Raspberry is in love with her dad and just died right in front of her eyes. She was murdered by a-

MY STORY. BE QUIET. Anyways, I looked up and saw a horrible sight. Well, horrible at the time. A girl, grinning. Blue hair, blue bat wings, blazing red eyes. She wore jeans, black boots, a blue shirt and a black jacket. I looked down. The exact outfit as me. In her hand was a blue sword. I felt like I had seen it, somewhere before. I had. It was Kira’s sword, Seraphine. What was this daemon doing with Kira’s sword?

“What have you done?? Why do you have Kira’s sword? Who is she?” I shouted up at the girl, gesturing wildly. She just smiled.

“I’ll give you one piece of advice,” she said. What? What? “Run.” And she opened her mouth, revealing bat fangs. There was an ear-piercing scream, and next thing I know thousands of  squeaking bats are surrounding me. But these weren’t just any bats. They were on fire.

OK! So just to sum this up, girl that looks just like Mabel with wings and red eyes set the place on fire. She’s holding Kira’s sword. She must have bat powers, because she was able to summon up a bunch of bats. She appears to be a daemon.

SHUT UP! You don’t have to state the obvious! Anyway, I made a run for it. Forgetting about the house, about Raiden, about Duncan, I just ran. After a while, I had outrun most of the bats, and the remaining ones weren’t too hard to kill. 

I found myself in a forest, exhausted as Kira’s puppy after a run. I scaled a tree, and fell asleep. Kira had brought me into the white room thing again. I briefly contemplated about wether or not I should tell her. I decided not to. Best not to make her worry. But she already knew. Apparently this was all the doing of some Herobrine person. When she asked me where Raiden and I were hiding, I lied and told her it was an underground bunker. I didn’t want to know where Raiden really was anyway.

When I woke up, I wasn’t where I used to be. I was in the nether. The girl from before was there. Holding Seraphine to my throat.

“Well, look. It’s everyone’s favorite teenager.” She hissed. I looked around. And bit my lip. Around me, tied up, were Raiden, Ridgedog, and an angel I didn’t know. She had a blank expression on her face. Ridge and Raiden were.. something like depressed. I never was good at reading expressions.

“My name is Malia.” she said, snapping me back into reality. Malia, as in the golem?

Yup. That’s right. Everyone always thought I was just some dumb thing now didn’t you? Aren’t you sorry now? You see, I had to find some way to get close to Mabel. Pretending to be an insane storyteller, forever making plans to revert the story to me, was the perfect way.

There was a lot of talking, so I’m going to shorten this for you. Mainly because I don’t remember most of it, and if I tried to make it up it would be lame and horrible. They wanted to turn me into a daemon. Because of my iron, plus my golem powers, I would be invincible. No one could kill me. 

And so this was the deal: I turn into a daemon, and they let my friends go. All except one. They needed me because… because I was the only one that could kill Kira.

But I know she can get away, right? I couldn’t possibly kill her. I’m not strong enough. So, as much as it kills me to say this, I said yes. 

I am no longer Mabel. I am Malena, the ultimate assassin. I will kill anything in my way. And Kira, the great Ridgedog’s daughter, is in my way.

This is the end of my story. Mabel loves you all. But this is goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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