"Besides," I pick up, "it's not like you knew before Mizuki told you, right? So it's not like you've been keeping it a secret from us. Though I'm glad you told us, you really shouldn't go around telling people you have the Kyubi inside you (gods that sounds so wrong). You never know if they would want to take that power for themselves." I say.

Iruka smiles at us, his eyes shining with pride. "I'm glad you two don't see Naruto any differently."

"Meh" I shrug. Hope nods.

"Anyway, let's finish the story, shall we?" Hope says.

And so, they finish the story, with, of course, many comments from me and Hope.

Here's one. I said third right after they told us how Sky jumped in front of Naruto when Mizuki threw that giant ass shurikan at Naruto only to end up having Iruka take the hit. Anyway, so this is what happened:

"Alright Sky-chan, I have come to a conclusion." I stated firmly.

"What's that?" Sky asks.

"Your even dumber than I first thought. Jumping in font of a GIANT ASS SHURIKAN.! Love makes people do stupid things sometimes."

"Hey! That's not very nice!" Sky shouts in complaint.

Whew. No slap in the head from Iruka.

I smirk "What did you say? I didn't here you deny loving Naruto-kun." Hope began laughing while Iruka smiles slightly and shakes his head, while Sky begins blushing.

Yeah, it was pretty bad. By the time they finished their story me and Hope had them blushing to the point of impossibility.

"And Naruto made it just in time too." I said.

"In time for what?" Naruto asks.

"We're supposed to get our pictures taken today. Don't tell me you of all people forgot." I said.

"Oh yeah!" Ha exclaims.

"Speaking of which, what time is it? I really don't feel like being late to get them taken." Sky asks.

"It's about 9:30. Pictures aren't until 1:45, so you have about three hours and fifteen minutes." Iruka said.

"We should probably head home and get ready fir them. We probably look like we got ran over by a garbage truck." Hope said.

"Guys! Why don't we go over to my place to get ready? I have an idea as to what we should look like! Believe it!" Naruto yells.

"What's the idea?" I ask.

"I'll tell you later! I don't want Iruka-sensei to hear! It's supposed to be a surprise! Believe it!" He explained.

Me, Hope, and Sky reluctantly agreed. We weren't too sure about his plan, seeing how his last one ended up and nearly killed him, Sky, and Iruka.

We followed him to his house. When we got there Naruto unlocked the door and led us inside.

"Sorry for the mess,." Naruto chuckled, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

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