Chapter 19 - Christmas part 1

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Which is what I wanted? I can't remember why.

Tomorrow was Austins party and he was going to be there. I still needed to have the talk with him about what is going on in my head really but it seems to go from terrified of the boy to staring at him all through World History trying to figure out how the hell it is possible to want someone this much. Also I feel like I might burst considering I haven't had sex in..too long. Way too long. Since Austin.

And I really want the boy no I want the man. That is of course what he was. NO way can you be twenty one years old, be a father and have a steady job and not be considered a man. He did manly stuff I noticed from my stalkerish ways. It's just in the way he moves. He moves like sex to put it bluntly.

"Kim?"His voice springs me back to reality and I see his brown ruffled hair and his blue eyes staring down on me


"The party is at ten right?"He asks smiling

"Um ye yeah ten if fine you can come earlier if you want."

"Okay sure Tara will love that. You okay you seem a little flushed?"

"I'm fine probably allergies or something. See you tomorrow."I say getting out from my seat and walking out of class

When I finally came home I noticed Beth swaying around our apartment cleaning as she moves along I already knew why she was in such a good mood. I was probably not going to understand my sister and why she still pined over Hannah. I couldn't decide if it was pathetic of romantic but that kind of commitment is very enduring.

"Beth? You are home early."

She spins around a huge smile of her face and her hair very different it looked good I had to say

"I took a half day and promised I would work extra hours after Christmas. I went to get my hair done and brought Christmas present. How was class or should I say how was seeing Kevin?"

"It's always good seeing him.. They are coming early tomorrow so we have to set everything up quickly."

"At least Hannah will be here tonight to help. I have to fetch her at the airport in about four hours time. "

"We really have our work cut out for us tomorrow. You with Hannah and me with Kevin. On ly you have to resist Hannah and I can give into Kevin so I'm a bit more fortunate."I say watching Beth glare at me

"Thanks for reminding me. Besides I brought a few party favors to loosen their tongues a bit if you know what I mean."

Loosen their tongues??

"You can't take advantage of Han??"

"I meant loosen them up like to not have them awkwardly standing around. Its liquor Kim geez not hereon ."Beth says slapping my ass and grabbing her car keys.

"Where are you off to?"

" I should go pick up Austin. If we get an early day off so does he. Tomorrow is his birthday after all."

I nod and grab walk with her climbing into her car. It was so shocking to think that I was a mother of a one year old little boy. The most beautiful boy in the whole world. I know everyone says that but he really is the most beautiful of them all. Ask my mom and she will say the same.

"You know what is crazy Kimmy."Beth says still looking at the road


"The way I feel about Hannah has not changes in a year infact it has gotten stronger. I just hate the thought that there are still three years left."My sister admits

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