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chapter twelve: teenagers scare the living shit out of me. they could care less, as long as someone'll bleed.

"Hypothetically, if I were to ask you on a date, would you say yes?"

It took what felt like endless courage to ask. It also took a lot of planning, as well. I had to make sure it was in the middle of classes and out of sight from onlookers. We've been 'seeing' each other for about a week and a half now in secret. The reason for this is because she wanted to keep whatever it is we have to stay between us. Her reason for this is because she didn't want Kevin finding out and possibly rearranging my face. I had no problem with this, of course. I didn't want others in my business, and I sure as hell want my 'pretty' face (as Violet likes to call it) to stay pretty.

I had cornered her at the end of the hallway, which was empty at this point since everyone had gone off to their classes. By chance if someone were to see us, they wouldn't be too suspicious because I left enough space between us to make it seem like we were having a normal conversation. And God, as I awaited her answer, I couldn't help but notice how great she looks. I mean, yeah, she always looks nice, but today was worth pointing out.

She gave me her usual smirk, "Hypothetically, you say?"

I nodded. "Hypothetically."

Violet looked off to the side, as if she was pondering my question. I knew she was teasing me, and I knew she was going to drag this out as long as she could just to torture me. "I guess, if we're speaking hypothetically," she trails off, her smirk still present. "I would say yes."

There was no fighting the smile that made its way on my face. Violet always made sure to say that my smile is nice. She even went as far to say it's the best she's ever seen. She compares it to the sun, blinding, but if you didn't have it, you're dead. I'm not sure how much of a compliment that is, but since it's coming from Violet, I don't care.

"Great!" My voice raises with my excitement to the point that it's damn near embarrassing. "Um, are you free this Friday?"

"Ah, ah, ah." She puts a hand on my chest and leans closer to my lips. I don't bother moving away because there's no one else in the hallway but us, or at least I hope so. "You said hypothetically. You didn't really ask me on a date."

My smile falters, but only jokingly, and I shake my head. "Fine, Violet," I say, then take a deep breath. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

She folds her arms, and smiles one of those smiles that could probably cure any deadly disease known to man. She lets out a humming sound, one of thought, before she finally says: "I'll think about it."


She laughs at my misery before she stands on her tiptoes, and kisses me on my lips. Any other guy would just shake that off, but little moments like these make me happy.

"Yes, I'll go on a date with you." She gives in. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." I say with a smirk.


I don't have a car, and I can't drive. So Violet and I ride in style on the bus that takes us into the main parts of town where you find outlets and restaurants and all that jazz. I still hadn't told Violet what it is we're doing because "It ruins the essence of surprise, babe."

I know we've been on a date before, if you could call it that, but this one was different. This is the first time we're doing it with just us, and this time. This could make or break this relationship. And I need to make it.

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