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chapter eleven: be a part of the love club, everything will glow for you.

hey i'm outside

where are you? i've been sitting here for like ten minutes.

please tell me you aren't sleeping


so after sitting outside your house for thirty minutes i've come to the conclusion that you're standing me up and that's really messed up. you could have had the courtesy to tell me you didn't want to come with me but whatever i hope you have a good night

The amount of guilt I feel right now is immensable. Not only did I completely forget that I was supposed to be going to a party with Ansley, I stood her up to go hang out with Violet. It's unbelievable how fast I let something like that slip from my mind. I was so disappointed with myself that I forgot I had a hangover.

To: Ansley😚
i'm so so sorry. i forgot we had plans, please don't be mad. it's a long story so you should probably call me.

I pull myself out of bed and walk down the stairs to the kitchen, ignoring the pounding headache I had going on. Mom is in the kitchen drinking coffee from her "#1 Mom" mug. I'm not too nervous about her seeing me with a hangover because I can just blame it on my sinuses, which usually get bad this time of year.

"Hey sleepyhead." She says teasingly. "It's almost noon. Are you just getting up?"

I nod. "Yeah, my sinuses are killing me. I didn't have the strength to get out of bed." I say as I open the pantry and pull out the box of Lucky Charms. Mom gets a bowl and a spoon for me while I pull the milk out of the fridge.

"Did you take your flonase spray?" She asks.

"Nah, I used all of it, like, last year." I shrug and I empty a large amount of cereal in the bowl. The sound of it hitting the bowl only irritated my head even more.

She gently slapped me on the shoulder. "You should have told me. I would have went to CVS to get more."

I leaned in and kiss her on her cheek. "Sorry mom, I forgot."

I sat down at the table and ate the five star meal known as Lucky Charms while I sent a text to Eli.

To: Eli
are you free to come over ? I need to tell you everything that happened last night

He texted back almost immediately.

can't. family stuff all weekend. but facetime me later

I sighed, Monday is too long from now for face to face conversation. But facetime is the best thing I can get so I just say 'okay' and go back to eating. My mom has since left the kitchen and now Caden has arrived. It's clear he's just gotten out of bed because he's shirtless and his hair is a mess. He doesn't seem to care because he just runs his hands through it.

"Did you get laid last night?" He asked bluntly. No 'good morning', or 'how are you doing?'. He sure doesn't waste any time.

"No." I said simply. "We only made out."

He pulled a chair up next to me as soon as I say that. He leaned against his elbows as he stares me in my face.

"Made out?" He asked, completely interested. "Give me full detail."

"It was all touchy feely until I backed out." I explained. "I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack."

He glared at me. "Why?"

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