#15 [School]

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After the death of Rin, Obito and Kakashi parted ways, didn't talk for years.

In this time, Kakashi tried to bury guilt and sorrow by basically working (or rather studying) himself to death. Obito came completely opposite. He stopped smiling, became pretty bullying, receiving bad reputation.

Their first conversation after all that time happend when Kakashi, as a school president, had to remind Obito to behave himself. Obito took that pretty good but later exploded when he saw Kakashi at Rin's grave. There was a lot of blaming, screaming and tears but it let the tension drop.

Next day, to surprise of whole school, Obito sat down with Kakashi at lunch and calmly told him he should forgive himself already as Obito did it all those years ago but was simply very much lost and Kakashi willingly took the blame so he just decided to „play along".

Since then, they became close, slowly getting over Rin's death.  

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