-Part 15-

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~Author's Note~
This chapter is going to be different from the others. I am trying to experiment so let me know what you think. Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this chapter from Butterfingers, or Alex's POV.


I took another snickerdoodle cookie from the decorative China plate. I traced my finger along the chain of roses looped around the edges. Each faced a different direction, light, and graceful, as if it were a ballet dancer, sweeping across a stage.

"Xander! Come here!"

I angled my face towards the small window.

"Hey! Pete! Did you get the new cars?"

"Yeah, Man, come on! They're in the sandbox next to Lexington Park!"

I ran up the rickety stairs, and climbed onto the king sized bed, jumping up and down.  My parents opened their sleepy eyes, and squinted through the sunlight at me. My dad grabbed my left leg, and pulled me down, my mom hugging my tightly.

"Mommy, can I go to Lexington Park with Pete and his Daddy?"

"No, today is Earth Day, and you know our rules today."

I let out a small sigh. My father worked for the international energy reservation organization, and my mom helped out at the community garden every Friday. My family loves nature, and on Earth Day, we would go around town giving small oak shrubs to everyone, and asking them to plant them outside to help grow back the trees that were cut down.

"But Mommy, I'll be back before 9:00," I pointed  towards the small digital clock on their nightstand. It read 7:50A.M.

"Ok, you can go, but you have to be back by 9:00. Take some snickerdoodles for Pete's family from a Ziplock bag."

My hands flew up in happiness, as I ran back down the stairs. I grabbed my tricycle and helmet, and a small bag of cookies and went out the back door. Handing the cookies to Pete, we pedaled over to where his dad was propped up against his bike.

To Be continued in Part 16!


Sorry this chapter was so short, guys, but I really wanted to update, so just hang on, and I'll have Part 16 out in no time!!!!

I love you all so much, 

N <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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