Part 8

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I could hear fists pounding against the door.  Ignoring my racing heartbeat, I clutched the chair until my knuckles turned white. 
"Open the door immediately, or we're shooting!"

They were definitely soldiers, there was no questioning it, and they wanted us.  To imprison us like they did to my city. But I wasn't going to give up that easily. 

I slowly got up from my chair, and walked over to Butterfingers. Picking him up, I smoothed out his shirt, and wiped the tears off his chubby cheeks, before positioning him on my waist. I proceeded towards Embyr. Her red pixie cut had drooped to the side, instead of standing up like it usually did on the center of her head, and her eyeliner was smudged from when she rubbed her eyes because of her stress.
"Em, is there somewhere we can hide in this place?"
King's head snapped towards me, as if he remembered something. He ran directly into the kitchen, and grabbed a cutting board, pulling up the corner of it.

Confused, I walked over to him. How was cooking supposed to help us in a situation like this? He gestured towards a small black sheet on the counter, that I had never noticed before.  He slid it over, revealing a break in the wall, that concealed a safehouse with stairs to go down into it. 

Relief flashed in front of my eyes, as I assured myself I would be okay. Well, I hoped.

I ushered everyone into the safehouse, careful to be as quiet as possible, as to make sure that the soldiers would not hear us, but as I reached the last stair, I noticed that Aiden was missing from the group.

"Aiden?!" I screamed, my heartbeat's pace increasing

"I'm up here, Chlo, just hang on, I'll be there in a few." I heard his voice from above the safehouse, though it was muffled by the door.

The sound of the front door crashing open scared me half to death, and the sound of bullets filled the air. I then heard a man's voice.

"Where's everyone else, Sumners?!"

"Can't tell you."

"I'll shoot you!"

"Go for it, Man."

I heard a gun being fired, and a growl, before a deep groan, and quiet.  My heart felt like it was on fire, my body sank down on the ground, as if I was a plate of Jello. 
"Chloe? Are you okay?" Monster's voice filled the quiet, as Butterfingers gazed down at me, tears spilling endlessly down his face.

I felt my body being shaken, vigorously, but I didn't respond.  I couldn't respond. It was as if I was paralyzed, unable to do anything.
"Aiden...He's gone."
I clasped my eyes shut, and felt my world spin, as I spiraled down a dark tunnel.  An endless tunnel. 


Chloe was unconscious.  Aiden was dead. My brothers were in a state of shock. Butterfingers was sobbing, and rubbing his eyes.  I had to put an end to this.  I had to start with the soldiers.

Running up the stairs, I crouched behind the couch, and peeked my head out from behind it, wincing as I expected to see Aiden's dead body, but that wasn't exactly what I saw.

Leaning against the kitchen door, A completely alive Aiden was deep in conversation with four soldiers, laughing every so often.  Reluctantly, I got up from my hiding spot, and made my way over to them, my rifle braced in my hands, ready to shoot at anything suspicious. They were the four men with tattoos that Chloe had described when she told us about who she thought was part of the attacks. Four guns immediately pointed at me, but I looked over at Aiden.

Walking over to him, I whispered in his ear.

"Great job getting on their good sides, you really fooled them, they actually think you're on their sides!" Turning to face me, he smirked.

"What do you mean, Embyr?" He sneered, stretching out the Embyr.

"You're obviously lying to them and trying to get on their good sides." I winked at him, smirking back.

"Oh them, they're harmless." He draped his arms over 'Anchor Man,' and smirked again, pushing me back so that I stumbled, and fell.

"Aiden? What are you talking about? They're the enemies!"

"No, Embyr, you're by yourself.  We're the enemies."

"Excuse me?" I wished I hadn't heard him correctly.

"I'm the Lieutenant General of these soldiers. I'm the Lieutenant General of the death attacks."

*Author's Note*
First of all, what do you think about Aiden?! This is the first chapter I've ever done multiple point of views, so let me know if you like it or not, and if I should continue doing it! I have my Wattys deadline in a bit, so I might be posting multiple times in a day, because I want to finish the story by then. Love all you supporters :)

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