Part 11

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"Guys, we should really get out of this place! Now that the soldiers know where we are, they won't stop at anything until they kill us." I turned to King and Monster, not believing that we hadn't thought of it before then.

King turned his head towards me. "No, Chlo." he laughed loudly. "That rhymes!"

"King! Shut up! Can't you ever be serious?" Anger flowed through my body as I turned to King, ready to hit him.

"Calm down, Ms. Feisty! I'm just trying to get you to loosen up. Anyway, we shouldn't leave the cottage, because that's exactly what the soldiers want us to do. They'll expect us to leave the place where they last caught us, and will attack elsewhere. This is the safest place for us to be, right now."

Butterfingers turned to me, and smiled, taking his chubby thumb out of his mouth.

"Chloe's right, King, if we keep moving around, it will be better for us, because the soldiers now most likely have a tracking device somewhere on us, and if we just go to a new place, it won't be enough. We have to keep moving around so that we can scramble the device. It is just a computer. It will never be as stable as the human brain, and can break anytime."

Everyone stared at Butterfingers, disbelief written across our faces. He had never spoken more than about five words, to any of us, let alone make escape strategies.

"Wow, Chlo. That's the most I've ever heard him speak. He must really like you. You're kind of like the older sister he never had." Monster managed to say, in between his awe.

"Well I like you too, Alex. I prefer that better than Butterfingers. Don't you think so?"

He nodded, a huge smile stretching across his cheeks. He stood up, and walked over to where I was sitting on the carpet, and hugged me tightly.

"Awww. Thanks, Alex!"

"Hey Alex, what about me?" King smirked at him, his eyes never leaving Alex's face.

"It's Butterfingers, Teegan."


The way her eyes looked at me in the picture pierced through me, as if she could see me, and could tell what I was thinking, what I was feeling, and what I was doing; but that wasn't going to stop me. It wasn't going to stop me from killing her.

I climbed into the Scalper, a branch of the Variater, and began to drive it through the open garage doors, and towards the cottage she resided in. I would get to her, and prove my worth to Mr. Sumners, prove to him that I was the best soldier he had ever recruited.


I drove into a large valley, with a small orchard in the corner, completely burned to the ground. I smirked with pride, knowing that the other soldiers had done that. We were almost on our way to the goal. The goal that would help the Mastermind, General H, the one who ingeniously invented the attacks, the one who created the Variater, the one who created Plan X, the ultimate plan that only Mr. Sumners knew, the plan to make the world into an ultimate utopia, starting with the useless humans. No one had ever met General H, and no one ever would, unless the plans went through. He was the brains of the operation, and with his help, we would live in a perfect world.

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