Chapter 15

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"Gabriel Agreste?" Ladybug screamed. She couldn't believe it. She'd looked up to this man, aspired to be like him. He was her favorite designer, her idol. But apparently, he doubled as her enemy. How could a man like this be Adrien's father? Adrien, who was so sweet and good.

Ladybug was so shocked that she hadn't noticed her partner screaming. She turned.

"You!" Cried Chat. "You've never been there for me when I needed you! And constantly, I've fought against someone else. Someone who attacks innocent people. I've protected them as best as I could, ignoring my own problems to solve theirs. Turns out, these problems are connected to the same source. You've specifically targeted me and Ladybug for so long. My own dad. My father!" Chat Noir paused, his voice trembling. Tears streamed down his face, filling his green eyes. "My father, who I'd hoped was good despite his absences and cruelty. But I was wrong!" Chat broke down, sobbing uncontrollably.

Ladybug watched in confusion until her brain registered everything her partner had said.

"Wait, ADRIEN?!" She screeched in shock. "You-you- you're Chat Noir?!" She stumbled back, her brain a wild hurricane, even more extreme than the butterflies that had previously attacked her.

She knelt on the floor, shaking her head and trying not to freak out.

Gabriel Agreste was crying, mumbling, "my son, my own son," and various other whispered, mournful phrases.

Chat Noir seemed to be experiencing every possible emotion. Shock, fear, anger, pain, sadness.

"Ladybug?" He choked through his tears. "You know Adrien Agreste?"

Ladybug felt lightheaded and dizzy. "I-yes. Look, let's take care of this first. Then I think we should talk."

Chat agreed and Ladybug phoned the police.

There was silence until the police arrived. It was a tense, afraid, uneasy, but solid silence. All three had tears streaming down their faces, for more reasons than could be explained verbally.

Ladybug personally felt as if she would faint. Actually, she was lucky she didn't. After this shock, fear, intense fighting, and emotion, she was lucky to still be in this good of a condition. She was sore, but didn't have any serious injuries. But now that Adrien was Chat Noir, she could have to reveal her own identity. She tried to think out the words she'd use to say it, but couldn't. She want looking forward to his. After tonight, her life would change completely.

Finally, the cops arrived on the scene.

"Gabriel Agreste?" Asked Sabrina's dad suspiciously. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," whispered Ladybug. "I wish we were wrong too, but unfortunately he's the real Hawkmoth. We're every bit as shocked as you are. "

The officer looked back and forth between Chat Noir and Ladybug, sadness and pity clear in his expression. "Hey... you two take it easy, all right? It's been a rough night, and we can't thank you enough. After all this, school should be let out Monday. So much stress for everyone. And who could possibly expect the two of you to have to deal with school. I'll be sure to get it approved." The other cops dragged Adrien's father out of the building, with Chat Noir watching sorrowfully, and the officer followed. "Thank you!" He called back as he left.

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