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On this day, the United States of America made the most stupid decision it has ever made. And most of us didn't even ask for this. SHE won the Popular Vote. HE won the Electoral Vote. Because apparently rules matter more that people, the Electoral Vote was the only one that mattered.

Why don't I just accept it? Because this is unacceptable.

Why don't I find another country to live in? Because there's nowhere for me to go. Everyone hates us. And immigration is far from simple anyway.

Why am I complaining about this? Because democracy has died today. It's a Democalypse. Only a select few will have their full rights. I am not a part of that few. Also, I did not ask for this. I voted for HER. I tried to prevent this from happening.

Why am I so worried? I'll tell you why:

As a woman, my reproductive rights are in danger of being revoked. Dangerous men could use HIM as an excuse to violate my body and do anything they want to me without my consent. My chances of receiving equal pay are significantly lower today than they were yesterday.

As someone who has several friends in LGBTQI community, I share their fears of having their rights revoked after working so hard for so long to finally gain those rights. I understand their fear of being ostracized and their fear of violence towards their community.

As someone on the autism spectrum, I live in fear of being discriminated against simply because my brain is wired differently. I live in fear of our Special Education programs being reduced or cut. I live in fear of an entire nation making a joke out of a disorder that millions of people have. It was hearing HIS comments on people with disabilities that made me truly loathe him and even want to kill him.

As a member of a middle class family, I live in fear of my parent's taxes being raised and having huge taxes to pay myself when I finally enter the workforce. I came home from school today and told my mom that we may as well move out now, because when HE raises our taxes, we won't be able to afford to live in the home I grew up in.

This is the world I live in now. And it is a very different world from yesterday. And it also a very different world than the one I voted for.

One so-called man, with the help of the Electoral College and numerous idiots, made this world of fear. And that is why HE is not my president.

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