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Another update :)

Another day had passed and the three ventured deeper into the forest. They were trekking, Syienne and Rafe ahead while Ianuaria kept guard behind them. They had become even more cautious after Syienne had told them about Midnight's promotion to a Goddess. It had clearly ment that Midnight was the strongest of the three sisters for even Celegnis did not have a title. Ianuaria was no longer suitable enough to be their guard.

The leaves of the trees had grown perfectly, as though each leaf had been carefully carved by the most skillfull artist in Morthwa. Their color was dark green with a hint of grey showing that evil did lurk within the depths of the forest. The leaves were connected to thin prickly brown branches that themselves were connected to the wide trunk of the tree, which was dark brown with intricate carvings embedded into it. They seemed to show something but with so many carving it would immediately disappear as another took its place. The undergrowth consisted of small shrubs of different colors, hues of dark green and smoky grey with blotches of bright neon green that pulled you towards it. Charming. Captivating. Enchanting. Those were what the forest did. Presently, the sky couldn't be seen for the larger broader leaves of more fresh and colorful colors were above blocking any view of the sky and prevented the flow of light.

Rafe himself thought that the forest was beautiful from outside, as though you could find Pegasus and sirens inside, the small circles of different bright colors did tempt people but inside it was only a rustic beauty that could be seen. Glo's-small floating orbs of light- would come down the trees at regular intervals resulting in a shady illumination. Nevertheless, it helped them and they didn't complain. It was night or was it day? No one could tell for the sky couldn't be seen.

Just then, they heard a noise. It was the sound of a twig breaking. Someone was near them. As they walked ahead- Ianuaria and Syienne guarding the unprotected Rafe- the noise became louder. It was the noise of sobbing. Someone was crying. Then they saw what it was. It was a girl sitting- about three and a half feet tall with blue eyes- and sobbing as she pulled her knees to her face.

Syienne rushed forward but instantly she was hit backwards. It wasn't the girl but rather Ianuaria's powers.
"Don't Syienne." She said in hushed whispers. " This place is called the Forest Of Illusions by the people of Rivestfall for a reason. The people of Thrombär are mistaken. For these illusions aren't dreams. They are murderers."

"What if she is just like us Nua?" Syienne replied whispering. " What if the Assassins did something to her or her family? "

Ianuaria's eyes softened. The tips of her hair became blue- calm. She withdrew the shield she had set and Syienne walked towards the girl.

"Don't cry little girl." Syienne said, as she rubbed her back.

"My-my-my Mot-moth-mother. They t-took her away. Th-the Goddess of Darkness and ano-another man." The girl said, hiccuping

"Don't worry little girl, everything will become alright."

"I'm not a girl, I'm a faery and my name is Enya." She said standing up as she used Syienne as a support.

No one seemed to have noticed the frail and graceful wings that stood behind her back. She hovered a little in the air, reaching the same height as Rafe.

" Enchanting Encounter to you three!" She said joyfully.

"Enchanting Encounter to you!" Said the nymphs but Rafe remained silent.

"That's hello in faeish." Whispered Syienne discretely.

"Enchanting Encounter to you too, Enya. I'm Rafe." He said with a smile.
" So do you want to go with us Enya? We could use a companion who knows the forest!" He said

" You would like me to come with you? Oh that's great!! I can take you through a Faery village, an Elven establishment, Siren pond. Ooh you would like....." she continued rambling on as they walked onwards. No one stopped her for she did brighten up the mood. Slowly, very slowly her voice faded away leaving the silence of the forest......

So  I'm done with another update!
First of all: omg trump won XD
Second of all: how do you like the introduction of this new character?!!


The Heir Of Thrombär : Into The Forestحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن