When Midnight approaches

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"Yes, hello Sister" replied Ianuaria, oddly calm.

"Sister?" Rafe asked as his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. " From when was Midnight even a nymph?"

Midnight just cackled, her teeth showing as she laughed deeply. Then with gleaming eyes and an amused smile she said, " Oh mortal! What would you know! I am a dark nymph- rarer than the rarest, youngest of the three daughters to the previous nymph queen. The first was Ianuaria with her snotty little self, second was Celegnis with her extremely rare light magic and third was me, Midnight with the rarest of the rare dark magic. You see Ianuaria is a fire nymph while Celegnis is a light nymph. The previous nymph queens had always been from at least the rare category but when the heir was found to be of the common fire category, she was abandoned. Celegnis then went on the make Celegna where she ruled. While I was banished because I was counted 'evil'. So I became evil. I pursued the darkness and am now His most prized follower. "

Rafe opened his mouth but no words came out. You see, he was shocked. One, because Midnight was a nymph. Two, because she was Ianuaria's sister. Three, because Ianuaria, the one he insulted was Celegnis' sister.

His lips, dull and dark red in color were parted as his blue eyes stared at Midnight. Leaves from tall trees around him covered parts of his face and his hair. It was then that he got a bolt of confidence, that he was Crown Prince Raphael, he was the Heir Of Thrombär.

(Well yeah, that's  how he looked at the moment.😂😂😂😂)

Midnight waited as though expecting an answer but then when she got none she spoke again,
" Little boy don't act surprised. Rafe? Isn't it? The One? The mortal that He wants......alive?"

Ianuaria then ran ahead, pushing Rafe behind her. Then she stared at Midnight, with a taunting smirk on her face and fire all around her hands," Never. You will have to go through me. If He wants anything, we won't give it to him. He shall lose. I'd rather reconcile with Celegnis than let Him win."

Midnight laughed again, more menacing then ever. She then pulled her wand out of her cloak pocket and then pointed it at Ianuaria.
" Have it your way, Sissy "

"Odūne" she shrieked.

Ianuaria fell onto her knees howling in pain. Immediately Syienne made a shield but even then, Ianuaria screeched in pain.

"Breathe Nua." Syienne told her.
All of a sudden, her pain ended and she fell onto the floor. She looked hurt.

Syienne got up, her attention drifting from Ianuaria to Midnight. She quickly formed a light purple box around Midnight, who just laughed. Then with a quick twirl of her wand, she broke open the box.  She squinted her eyes and her hair looked more curly and dense then usual.
" Oh niece, what have you done to your aunt!?" She sneered. " Now you have maddened me. So let me give it to you. Manaie "

Syienne toppled over, her body on the floor. She shouted, her fingers digging deep into the earth as she tried to remove the madness within her. Then as she shrieked the madness increased turning her mad. She laughed cruelly, she bit herself removing blood and jumped onto rocks fracturing her bones. Rafe ran behind her holding her in place as he tried to take care of her as Midnight continued cackling on.

No one realized that behind them, Ianuaria had finally collected enough energy to get up. Then she burned Midnight, the trees and bushes all around her. Everything faced fires fury. Midnight yelled in pain but she still burned. Then using her wand she whispered," Apport." Immediately she disappeared, only leaving behind a puff of darkness.


Rafe  shook Syienne's body but she wouldn't get up. Her eyes were shut and she didn't respond to anything.
Mid tears he would screech, " Sy! Syienne! Get up! Please."

"Rafe, its no use. We need medicine."
Said Ianuaria as she went towards him. Rafe immediately ran towards his bag pulling out jars of herbs.

"What can we use? This? Or maybe that?!" He said as he checked each one frantically.

" Rafe! Breathe." Ianuaria said irritated. " Since she induced madness which is also present in Monev, the best cure would be Pinkili.

They gave her Pinkili and she fell into a peaceful slumber.


The Heir Of Thrombär : Into The ForestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora