What's wrong with this disease?

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Maths class:

(BTW, our science classmates are also our maths classmates, so I suppose you got an image of what they're like......they're quite.......interesting...)

Teacher: Now let's see, you basically......(drift off into some random-algebra-stuff-that 1/3 of-our class-would-never-use)

*Classmate C turns around to talk to classmate G*

Teacher: C, turn around!

meanwhile--On the other side of the room:

*Classmate F turns around*

Classmate F talking to Classmate J. 

Teacher:" F! Turn around!"

meanwhile--Classmate G back on the other side of the room:

*Classmate G twisting happily in his chair*

Classmate G: Hey, Classmate Y, blah-blah-blah

Classmate Y while playing action games on his laptop: Yeah, blach-blach-blach

Teacher: Y! F! Stop talking!

After 2 minutes of peace, when the teacher checked the other side of the room...

Classmate F is sitting sideways on his chair with his elbow resting on the back of the chair. Happily chatting away to one of the smartest kids in our class, classmate T.

Teacher: What on earth are you turning around for!?

Classmate F: I was asking T a question!

Teacher: If you have a question, you ask me!

The chatter on the other side of the room arose, again. 

But this time, it included people from the back of the room. 

Friend A to classmate E, her deskmate: Am I getting this question right?

Classmate E: Yeah, wait no, that's meant to be...

Teacher: What's wrong with you children! A, stop talking!

20 seconds...

*Then the chatter arose again on the other side of the room*

Similar scenarios repeat, repeat, and repeat again. 

Friend A starts waving her arms as the timer went off. left-right-left-right.

Teacher: A! Sit still! F! turn around! G! Stop talking! Y! Stop distracting G!

Class (finally) fall quiet

10 seconds later...

Teacher: C! turn around! Sit straight!

C turns around.

2 seconds later...

Teacher: C, what did I tell you 2 seconds ago?

Classmate C: Sit straight and look at the board?

Teacher: Then why are you turning around?

Classmate C: .......

a 'long' 30 seconds later......

Teacher: C! Face the board! What's wrong with this disease of turning around, huh?

Class: ......(laughing in their head over the word 'disease') 

A/N: A few things, first, I know it's quite long (and boring), but really, our maths class is just about the same as this. Poor teacher, I know. Lucky that I sit at the back row so I have no one to turn to. If you have any ideas or comments for me, there a comment box just down below...with a star near the edge that looks better if it's lit. ;). Thank you for reading. 

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