Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

I ran and ran. They played me and so I got my revenge; Seems to me that they weren't too happy with my actions, but they got what they deserved. Now they were just making sure I got what I deserved.

I turned my head to look back. They were close behind, my adrenalin pushing me further.

It was cold outside and the crisp fall wind was eating away at my exposed flesh. I was wearing a leather jacket, but I shrugged out of it after they grabbed me by my collar.

I turned round the corner of a dilapidated building to the one place I knew best. An ally.

The ally was narrow. The air between the buildings was stuffy, and dark. The brick, and cobble sone walls slick with filth. My feet ached in my worn out converse and my heart was slamming against my chest, but there was no thoughts of slowing down. I could hear the pounding of their boots and the wssh of puddles as they are disturbed by our rushing feet; the harsh huffing and puffing of air grunting from their upset lips.

I looked back in hopes that I had lost them, however, In a quick blur I was suddenly tackled by the biggest member of the group. 

He flipped me on my back and straddled me. A pained gasp escaped my lips as my ribs crushed from under his weight.

"Thought you could get away princess?" His pot smelling breath was inches from my face. He chuckled at my struggle against his heavy weight before I spat in his face, erasing his smug smile at once.

The others seemed to have caught up as footsteps became vividly clear and came to a halt behind us.

"Get her up, Jack," One of the guys spoke his voice hard and raspy. Jack obliged, and I was forcefully slammed into the brick wall of the pub we were behind. I watched as the other four men circled around us, their laughter echoing throughout the ally. Both my hands were griped tightly above my head.

"Why'd you run Emma? We just wanted to applaud the little stunt you pulled back there." Leroy leaned in, his disgusting breath lingering on the side of my neck.

"If I didn't have my hands pinned over my head, I would have wiped that dumb ass smirk off your face." I spoke through clenched teeth.

"Oh, would you now?" He spoke amused and before I had time to process his movements, I recovered a powerful punch to the stomach, knocking the air right out of me. Jack relinquished his strong hold on me as I hunched forward, gripping at my stomach in pain, feeling the bile in the back of my throat.

"You...Dirty...Fuckers..." I managed to heave out through breaths. I Turned my attention towards Dan ignoring the pained pleas of my lungs begging for air, I sputtered, "No wonder... Cecilia... left you... for your brother." I smirked, seeing his eyes darken in malice as I ripped off a raw bandaid.

"You self-centered, little whore!" He roared.

Vince grabbed me from behind, pressing his muscular body against my backside and held me in a choke hold with his left arm. "Your gonna get it now." He chuckled at my attempts to pry his arm from my throat, his alcoholic breath fogging my senses. I watched as Dan ran towards us, face red, a knife in his busted hand.

"No!" I gasp. I stepped hard on Vince's foot and he hissed, loosening his hold on me, giving me the advantage to elbow him right in the nose, hearing a painful crack. Then I sent my overused converse straight into his gut.

"You five underestimate me way too much." I smirk, grabbing Dan's arm and swinging him around, releasing as he slammed his face into the brick wall.

"You cause a lot of trouble for a small girl." Max, the fifth brute, pinned my hands behind my back and slammed me against the same blooded wall. He held me against his huge frame and pressed a knife sharply on my neck. I felt the pressure of the blade as it threatened to slice through my skin.

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