
Present Day

Corey woke up with a groan and grabbed her head. It felt like it was spinning. She hugged her knees closely and tried to keep warm in the chilly air. the weather was only cold when Peter wanted it to be. He knew she hated the cold. She looked around slowly, taking in each and every detail. She noticed a thin blanket in the corner. She laughed, like that would ever keep her warm. She glanced around nervously. Corey had been in some tough situations before but she never felt as nervous as she did now. Peter knew all her weaknesses and that's what scared her. She peaked through the bars only to realize she was suspended from a tree. Seriously! She thought, Peter was treating her like a prisoner. Even if she found a way to get out of the cage there was no way to get down without breaking her neck. She turned around and looked out the other side. She saw another cage just like hers. It was only hanging a foot away.

"Hello?" She called. Wondering who help Peter was keeping prisoner. She saw someone move in the cage.

"Who are you?" The person asked their voice sounded coarse and dry but, yet it sounded familiar. Corey couldn't remember who it was. The name was on the tip of her tongue.

"My names Corey. And you are?" She asked as she tried to see the persons face. But, it was hidden in the shadows.

"Corey? Corey Jones? It's me Wendy. You're still alive! Thank god!" Wendy said as she peered through the gap in the bars. Corey's heart almost flew out of her chest.

"Wendy! You're still here!!......YOU'RE ALIVE!!.... I can't believe Peter did this to you!" Corey said in disbelief. She felt anger build up inside her. Wendy was in Neverland before Corey. Corey thought Wendy had escaped the island. If she had known that Wendy was still on the island she never would have left without Her. "Wendy, I am so sorry! I thought you had escaped." Corey said. Her voice shaking. She felt like her insides were breaking apart. She felt her eyes brimming with tears.

"Corey, it's not your fault." Wendy said softly.

"It is my fault. I left you on this horrible island while I went off and lived my life!" Corey said. Her voice shaking.

"Corey, it's ok. That's what Peter wanted you to think. He needed me here. I couldn't leave or he would have hurt my brothers." Wendy said. Then Corey felt a jolt and she realized that her cage was getting lowered. The cage hit the ground with a thud that knocked Corey of of her feet. One of the lost boys opened the cage. He grabbed her arm roughly and dragged her out. Corey looked up at his face. His eyes connected with hers but he looked away guiltily. She knew him. He was on Neverland last time Corey was here. He was one of The lost boys she was friends with.

"Jack?" Corey asked as she sat up. He kicked her back down to the ground. She held in a cry of surprise. Of all the lost boys Jack was the only one who never hurt her.

"No talking unless Pan gives you permission." He said.

"You know better than anyone that I'm not afraid of Peter." She said.

"Leave us." An all too familiar voice said. Jack nodded before disappearing into the woods quickly. Corey looked up.

"After all these years your welcome party hasn't gotten any better!" Corey said sarcastically. As she glared at Peter. "Because if I recall this is the Second time you've kidnapped me."

"Ah, you've still got fire and you know I like that." He said with a smirk. He knelt down beside Corey he put his hand on the side of her face but she shrugged it away. "So how's Storybrooke?"

"Better than this hell hole." Corey scoffed. She slowly was scooting away from him but her feet bumped something. She discreetly moved a hand back to see what it was. Her hand touched Something cold.

The Forest (sequel to The Docks, a Once Upon A Time Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now