Christmas was never truly a happy holiday for the Carstairs. Jonah's wife, Celaena Herondale, had died near Christmas in 1958 at age seventy five and his second daughter passed away in 1960, hardly forty years old. In fact, many of Tessa and Jem's older boys had married mortal women (except for Gavin who had married a fae girl in 1967) and many of the women were long since in gone. Along with many of their children. But Jonah had three girls, Lorelai, Geneva, and Molly. Only Molly had children.

"Merry Christmas," Magnus nodded, handing Jonah and Fred shots before knocking one back himself. "James, you're looking good for a hundred and sixty four."

Jem gave him a silent salute and sipped at his wine, glancing at the children again.

"Jem!" Jem's attention snapped to Tessa, who was smiling slightly. "Story time, love, don't you think?"

"Start with their wedding!" Liza urged after yelling at all the children to "SHUT UP FOR THE ANGEL'S SAKE!" "You brought the pictures?"

Chuckling a bit, Jem nodded before launching into the story with the dramatics meant for Broadway. "Alright. It was July thirty first, eighteen eighty two. Will's bachelor party was a disaster - he wouldn't calm down and was freaking out all night about the wedding. By the Angel, the only time I've seen him this nervous was the Christmas before when he couldn't think of what to say to propose to Evan. Anyway, Will was a mess - there were shadows under his eyes and Magnus came bursting into the room and started applying cosmetics!"

A burst of laughter from the audience.

"I, of course, was mortified but Tessa had come in at that minute with Will's sister, Cecily, and the two of them couldn't stop laughing for anything. Now, Cecily was six months pregnant with her first baby and Tessa had Jonah with her and Gabriel was no help either. Finally, Gideon and I were able to get everyone out of the room and help Will wipe the makeup off before Henry poked his head in to ask us if Will was ready."

"Meanwhile," Tessa said, perching on the arm of the chair, "Evan was trying not to be sick. Charlotte was with her, fixing the dress - oh that dress!" Tessa sighed, gesturing for Magnus to show them the dress.

Taken with Henry's polaroid camera, Evan DeLuca smiled faintly wearing a spectacular gold gown. It was so unlike Tessa's wedding dress which was full in volume and extremely decorated. Evan's dress was long with little volume, gold satin with sleeves that fell off her shoulders and to her fingertips. Her figure was visible and exaggerated with the lighting but her silver hair was pinned back, styled and fell down her open back. The front was cut low as all Shadowhunter wedding dresses were for the marriage Markings and her sleeves easily pushed back but the simplicity was perfect.

"Her dress was gorgeous," Tessa smiled. "Sophie and Charlotte took hours getting her ready. Henry waited for her once she was done, waiting to give her to Will before they walked into the Chamber together - it was as mundane as a Shadowhunter wedding could have been. Evan had an anxiety attack that morning with all the nerves - the first one she had had since she was seventeen. But the ceremony was perfect."

Magnus passed around another picture from their wedding. It was at their reception, their first kiss as a married couple seeing as the ceremony did not require a kiss to seal their unity. In the picture, Will had one arm around her waist, the other holding her hand. Evan rested one hand on Will's shoulder and the other in his hand, her head tilted up slightly to meet his lips. It was a soft kiss, both of them were wearing smiles of their own. Will's parents were in the background of the photo - the reception was at their manor in Yorkshire, a surprise for the newlyweds at the time.

Cress and Liza were gazing at the picture as teenage girls did. Ever since the girls were little, they loved hearing about Will and Evan Herondale.

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