Clockwork Prince - The Council Chamber

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Part 2

Clockwork Prince

Chapter 1

The Council Chamber

As the week went on, Jessamine spent every breakfast pestering Evan about the dresses she just bought her that came four days before the Council meeting. Everyday, Evan argue that it wasn't practical for a fifteen year old who's never worn heavy dresses before to wear one without a purpose. Which made sense, considering that she spent most of her time with Henry working on inventions from a journal that Evan's father owned.

But the day of the Council meeting, Sophie got Evan up an hour earlier than usual, ran a hot bath for her, and helped her get ready. Sophie didn't know what to think when Evan revealed her blush and lip-gloss to her, but sighed anyway; Evan was strange girl with strange methods. Sophie half-expected Evan to finish looking like a girl from the wrong side of the city, but that wasn't the case. Evan's cheeks looked like they had a light natural color and her lips looked naturally pink.

She wore the navy blue dress, with the same tanzanite necklace, and diamond studs. Her hair was put up in a more elegant bun with her bangs styled to frame her face with a navy ribbon tied to mask the hair tie Evan used. Sophie made sure, however, to watch Evan put on her boots, lacing them up.

The dress itself wasn't styled too differently than the silver one that still hung in Evan's wardrobe; it had a low cut bodice that made her breasts spill over the top slightly, with just the lace that fashionably fell over her shoulders, with a heavy skirt. The accents were a silver that set off her hair; the entire dress, in fact, set off her silver hair and her bluer-than blue eyes. Sophie had to admit, Jessamine did do a good job. Although the corset was tighter than what Evan liked and the underclothes were itchy and tight, Evan liked what she saw - Sophie could tell - and thanked Sophie many times over for helping her.

Evan had to leave without breakfast, seeing as the Consul requested that she be brought before the meeting to discuss and prove before announcing to the Council of Evan's... appearance.... And after that, Charlotte said, the dresses would only be necessary for public events and outings.

Will left with them, using the Lightwoods' carriage, although why he wanted to leave so early was a question Sophie didn't mind not knowing the answer to. Will had had a look on his face that usually meant he wasn't going to be going into town to help women across the busy streets. Jem and Tessa decided leave later, not minding missing part of the meeting.

"Thank you, again, Sophie," Evan smiled over her shoulder. Sophie caught the nervous waver in Evan's smile and waved to her kindly.

"Anytime, miss," Sophie said once more as the Institute doors shut behind Henry, Evan and Charlotte.

"From the year two thousand and twenty." Consul Wayland repeated, looking at Henry and Charlotte wearily. Evan was waiting in the hall, her head bowed as Clave members filed in the Council chambers.

"I understand, Consul," Charlotte hurriedly followed up, "That it seems quite mad but -"

"Charlotte," Consul Wayland sighed, "This will not look good for the London Institute or for you."

"She spoke of automobiles," Henry added quickly. "And showed us photographs of her and her family. She said the first automobile wasn't invented until eighteen eighty-six - in fact, I've been talking to a college from America, very recently, who's been trying to finalize an automobile. He estimated that it would be manufactured within the decade."

"Photographs and predictions," Consul Wayland scoffed.

There was a knock at the door, which Consul Wayland answered. It was Evan, holding a small stack of photographs from her hand. "I didn't want to interrupt," Evan said quickly. "But I thought that it might be more believable if I could show you some proof, uh, Consul Wayland."

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