Chapter 19 - If I Doth Prosper

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Chapter 19

If I Doth Prosper

As Evan predicted, Jem and Tessa appeared ten minutes later. Jem shot Will a wide, very happy smile before sitting next to Tessa on the couch. Will and Evan occupied the two armchairs by the fire, Will's arm dangling over the side and twisted Evan's hair around his slender fingers. Evan had sent Tessa a small, apologetic, and understanding smile as they sat down. In the book, Evan recalled, Will had sat up so abruptly when Tessa entered that he spilled tea on himself. This was not the case, however, for Will sent Jem a happy smile in return before Charlotte started her brisk speech.

"We are all here, then," Charlotte started. "As you probably know, we are near the end of the two-week period granted to us by Consul Wayland. We have not discovered the whereabouts of Mortmain. According to Enoch, the Silent Brothers have examined Nathaniel Gray's body and learned nothing from it, and as he is dead, we can learn nothing from him." Charlotte paused, glancing around the room at all the serious, too young faces looking grimly up at her. "We can certainly report what we know about Benedict to the Clave. It would be the sensible course of action."

Tessa swallowed. "What about what Jessamine said? That we'd be playing into Mortmain's hands by doing so."

"If it's a bluff," Evan started slowly, carefully choosing each word. "And that's what he'd want us to think, then of course we should report him. But if Mortmain is telling the truth - then keep it to ourselves. There isn't really a way to tell anymore."

"But we cannot do nothing." Will said. "We cannot sit back and hand over the keys to the Institute to Benedict Lightwood and his lamentable offsprings. They are Mortmain. Benedict is his puppet. We must try. By the Angel, haven't we enough evidence? Enough to earn him a trail by the Sword, at least."

"When we tried the Sword on Jessamine, there were blocks in her mind put there by Mortmain. Do you think Mortmain would be so unwise as to not take the same precaution with Benedict? We will look like fools if the Sword can get nothing out of him." Charlotte sighed.

"Mortmain expects us to go to the Clave." Will said. "It would be his first assumption. He is also used to cutting free associates for whom he no longer has a use. De Quincey, for instance. Lightwood is not irreplaceable to him, and he knows it. I think that if we went to the Clave, we could certainly get Benedict taken out of the running for leadership of the Institute. But there is a segment of the Clave that follows his lead; some are known to us, but others are not. It is a sad fact, but we do not know whom we can trust beyond ourselves. The Institute is secure with us, and we cannot allow it to be taken away. Where else will Tessa be safe? And Evan - for that matter?"

Tessa blinked, giving Will as a shocked look as Evan wore. "Me?"

Will almost looked startled that he said it, for he was looking at Jem when he did. "Well, you are an integral part of Mortmain's plan. He has always wanted you. He has always needed you. And as for Evan, there's no telling what she knows about the future that could possibly benefit Mortmain. We must not let him have either of you. Clearly you both would be a powerful weapon in his hands."

"All of that is true, Will, and of course I will go to the Consul." Charlotte said. "But as an ordinary Shadowhunter, not as the head of the Institute."

"But why, Charlotte?" Jem demanded. "You excel at your work -"

"Do I?" Charlotte demanded. "For the second time I have not noted a spy under my own roof; I falsely accused Evan of being a spy; Will and Tessa easily evaded my guardianship to attend Benedict's party; our plan to capture Nate, which we never shared with the Consul, went awry, leaving us with a potentially important witness dead -"

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