Chapter 22 - Thunder in the Trumpet

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Chapter 22

Thunder in the Trumpet

Tessa didn't take days - or was it weeks in the books? - to awaken, although she was very weak and bedridden for just as long. Jem stayed by her side the entire time. Everyone visited and sat with her when they could. Though, Evan's visits were after she'd woken.

Evan had spent the two days following the battle with the automatons in Cadair Idris in the infirmary. The poison of warlock's powders was not so easily subdued by the Magister's 'antidote'. Not to mention, the bruises that were now yellow around her neck, her wrist (which they did have to re break and reset) and a sprained ankle from when the demon, Armaros, dropped her. Of course, Will was with her the entire time, and Cecily, except for the few hours that she could convince them to sit with Tessa for her while she could not.

Upon Tessa's collapse, Will felt slightly guilty for he did not rush to aid Jem with Tessa as he should have done. He rushed to Evan, reaching her just as Henry and Charlotte let her go and swept her up in his arms. "Fy nghariad. Fy nghariad."

"Hello to you, too," Evan murmured against his hair, breathing in the salt, sweat, brass and blood. "Your sister was no help - wouldn't tell me what I'd missed in captivity. Mind enlightening me, nghariad?"

Will let her down, eyes raking over her for injuries. "You missed a trip to the infirmary. Perhaps we can make it up now." Will had said, tucking her under his arm as Henry and Magnus summoned the Portal once more to leave the awful place.

"Clever," Evan laughed tiredly, sagging against him.

Now, Evan was napping again. It was the one think Brother Enoch told her to do: Rest. Will was just walking in, only to see Henry sitting in Will's usually seat. Henry turned upon Will's arrival, leaving with a nod to Will and a place to be. So, Will occupied his seat and studied Evan for the umptemth time.

Evan's face was even thinner now than it was months ago when they'd first met. There were a few scars that marked her now; the most noticeable one was from the battle with the guardian demon on her cheekbone. Her hair was, of course, still silver, but longer and curlier; her face older and more mature. Evan even looked taller, even if only by an inch or two. Her features more filled out now, more defined.

"Whatcha starin' at, Herondale?" Evan's voice broke his trace. The bruises still ringed her neck. There was plaster around her wrist and her ankle wrapped.

"The most beautiful person to ever walk the earth." Will said, leaning forward to lace their fingers together.

"Hmm," Evan hummed. "Nice one."

"I speak only the truth." Will offered her a crooked grin. "I must not tell lies."

Evan's lips flickered into a smile. "How's Tessa?"

"Sore - same as she was when you asked three hours ago." Will brought her knuckles to his lips, brushing them against her hand. Her hands had more scars, too; more knicks and flecks from demon ichor.

"What?" Evan shifted slightly. "You look like you're about to cry."

"I can't help but wonder what your parents would think of all of this," Will sighed.

Evan's lips twitched into a frown. "Of what? Demon battling or you and I?"

Will shook his head and bent to brush his lips against hers. "You and I."

Evan rolled her eyes, "They'd love you, Will. Almost as much I do."

Will smiled a genuine smile, "I love you, Charlotte-Evangeline."

"I love you, William." Evan smiled back.

"Did Charlotte tell you what the Clave offered her?" Cecily came in, taking the seat on Evan's right. Will glanced up at his sister but said nothing.

"Um, no." Evan said. "Consul?" She guessed.

Cecily nodded enthusiastically. "I think she's accepting. On five conditions."

"Five? I thought it was only three." Evan frowned.

"Things are changing, Evangeline." Cecily rolled her eyes. Cecily's gaze drifted to Will. "Did you tell her yet?"

"No," Will said without looking at either of them.

A pause, then "Alright, I'll bite - tell me what?" Evan asked, looking at the two Herondales expectantly.

"Charlotte, Henry and Jem know about the books." Cecily said. "And Will knows you wrote to me." Evan looked away from the both of them.

"I'm not angry!" Will exclaimed, grabbing her good hand. "I knew as soon as you'd done it - Magnus confirmed it."

"I was planning on coming to the Institute anyway." Cecily said, sitting next to Evan on the cot. "You just gave me more of a reason to come."

"I should have told you." Evan said, looking guiltily at Will.

Will shook his head and bent once more to kiss her. "Water over a duck's back." Both girls laughed.    

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