°°°Chapter 11°°°

Start from the beginning

"You f*cking-" he yelled. He was about to hit me when someone cleared their throat.

I look up, but I didn't see anyone because these idiots were blocking my damn view.

One of the idiots move to see. And there I saw the most unexpected thing ever to me. There stood a beautiful girl in a uniform.
Wow! She goes the same school as I...  She held a knife in one hand and a metal pipe in the other.
I wonder where she got that...

I watched as Lucas and this beautiful girl exchanged words.
She didn't use her real voice, but masked it with a deep voice.
She wasn't scared, but confident.
I was surprised.

One of the idiots charged forward and I watched how she fought him off like it's a daily thing to beat someone with a metal pipe.
I wanted to laugh at that thought...

One after the other the idiots went up to her. She fought like she was trained in martial arts. It was stunning. She was stunning...

She also fought with Lucas, I thought it would be over, when he had the pipe to her throat, but she was full of surprises when she reversed it on him.

She had everything under control. I got up from where I was and crawled my way out of there. I know it was rude to have left but, I don't want her to remember me as weak... Although maybe that is what I am. A coward...

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