°°°Chapter 8°°°

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Kaitlyn POV

I was eating my cookie. Mm it tasted delicious, it was chocolate chip...😋 I had a locker.. Hmm #504. Ah found it. It was close to the entrance, yay. I stuffed a book in it and closed it. I also changed the combination.

I had maths for my first period of the day. I was thinking of skipping but then remembered that I'm supposed to be good. 
As I was walking to class, someone ran into me and we both fell to the ground.
Urghhh not again! I thought.

I tried getting up but this person was too heavy. "What the hell?! Get off me!" I exclaimed. The person scrambled to their feet and picked me up too. I dusted out myself. "I'm so s-sorry, I didn't mean to-" he said but I cut him off. "Now look here-" I said harshly but stopped when I saw who it was.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here, this is the second time we've run into each other. Literally!" I laughed. He was watching me like I was crazy.

"Yea... I'm sorry about that," he said nervously. He adjusted his glasses and fixed is shirt. He was scratching his neck, hmm nervous habit? He's so adorable.

"So.. Since we bumped into each other, I think it's right that-"
BRIIING!! The second bell rung. 
"Oh no, I'm sorry but I gotta go!" He exclaimed and ran off.

I sighed and headed off to class.
I finally found it and opened the door it slammed hard against the wall. Oops? "Um who are you? Can I help you?" Said the teacher, it was a man who looked around his late thirties I guess.

"No you can't help me, and who am I? Ha! That's for me to know and you to find out." I said with a wink and smirked.

His face turned a shade of red and said, "You must be our new student Kaitlyn Summers?"

"Duhh, who else would I be," I rolled my eyes. He sighed, "Do you wanna tell the class–" he began.

"Nope, no thanks," I said with a smile and went to take a seat.

I sat next to a girl with fiery orange hair and bright blue eyes. "Wow! Your hair is cool," I said to her. She blushed. "Thanks, your pretty funny you know, no one ever talks to Mr. Jefferson likes that."

I giggled, "That's his name, wow and ugly face with a name that fits him..."
(A/N sorry to anyone with that name 😂) She giggled too, "I know right I always thought the same thing..."

"What's your name?" I asked.
"Oh, sorry I didn't introduced myself, I'm Kristen Venice," she said with a smile.

I talked to Kristen for the rest of the class, she was a cool girl to talk to. I found out she moved here two years ago, she also lives a block away from me. She is an only child, lucky her.

When bell rung for next period which was for me Chemistry and Kriston had English, we both sadly parted.

I soon found the Chemistry lab and went in. It's Chemistry so why not have some fun. The teacher was a young lady, she looked around her middle twenties so I'll say young for now.

I just walked in and sat in the empty seat next to a boy with blue hair in a Mohawk. He looked like a smurf. I laughed at that thought. Others around looked at me as if I was crazy. Smurf. I'll call him smurf.

"Hey smurf, cool hair," I said.
He smiled, "Thanks, cool outfit, I see you don't like the uniform they gave. It's so hideous!"

I shook my head, "I agree, they have no sense of fashion!"

"My name's Daniel DeLa Vouge, what's yours?"

"Kaitlyn Summers, I just moved here, you may hear about me sooner than you think," I smirked.

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