°°°Chapter 15°°°

34 14 3

Kaitlyn's POV

My head was pounding me. I opened my eyes and saw I was on the ground and with heavy metal chains. The chains were connected to the wall and linked to my hands. The room was dark, with only a spot of light coming from a small window near the ceiling. How cliché. I groaned.

The whole place smelt funny, like disinfectant mixed with the stench of blood.

"What the heck happened?" Said a groggy voice. I looked towards the voice and saw Carson in the corner of the dark room.

"Oh, you know, it's just a normal day of getting kidnapped," I said sarcastically.

"Kaitlyn! Are you okay? Where are we? Why did those people in black kidnapped us? What's going to happen to us? I don't wanna die!!" He blurted out while panicking.

"If I knew those things, would I be here right now? And we're not gonna die, hopefully..." I tried to reassure him. I really don't know what's going to happen.

"Hopefully?! I'm to young to die!" He exclaimed scared as a mouse. Truth be told I was too, but I won't show that.

"Did you see who they were?" I asked gently.

"All I saw were men in black covers, they had a g-gun," he stuttered, "and one had a cloth to y-you and the other k-knocked me o-out." His voice was shaky as he spoke. I felt really bad knowing that this is happening to him because of me.

"Don't worry okay, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this," I muttered.

"Reasonable explanation! What about your family is in the top five riches people in the world? Maybe they just want money..." He stated and shook his head.

"Maybe... But what! I never knew my family was in the top five riches people, who told you that?" I asked incredulously.

"One of friends saw that on the internet..." he murmured.

"Ohh..." I shook my head.

I sighed and tried to get up, I wobbled a bit, but with the help of the wall I stood up.

I looked to the door and saw a large shadow. Someone was out there! There either guarding the door or waiting for the right moment to enter.

"Hey! You! I know you're out there! What the hell is going on and why the fudge are we here?!" I yelled and glared at the wall.

"Who are you yelling at," Carson asked softly.

"Wait for it..." I whispered.

The door started to squeak irritatingly and it opened revealing a man dressed in an expensive black suit and a white phantom mask on his face. I glared at the man with all the strength I got.

He smiled sickly sweet, "Hello kitty, aren't you sweet."

"Who are you?" Carson asked with just as much of malice in his voice. I was surprised someone as sweet as him could be like that.

"Who am I? That's for you to find out," he said with a smirk.

"What do you want with us?" I asked curiously.

"Well, it's you particularly. Your bait, and your little boyfriend over here is for you to talk. If you don't, we'll just hurt him...." He trailed off with a evil smirk, which earned him a glare from Carson. I knew it!

"What makes you so sure I care?" I smirked.

He laughed, "You're just like your mother, she said the same thing, but she still cared a lot and that's her weakness."

"My mother?" I asked now confused.
"What does my mother has to do with this?"

"Oh dear Kaitlyn, you'll know in time," he smirked.

"Stop with the games and tell me! Are you a little child or what?" I asked with great malice.

He glared, "How dare you! Didn't your parents teach you manners? Carl!"

A muscular man came threw the door with a gun strapped across him. He must be Carl... I thought sarcastically.

"Teach her a lesson! She needs to learn to be respectful!" The masked man bellowed. "But, don't hurt her too much, we need her alive," he ordered and walked out.

Carl towered over me, about 6 feet tall. He smirked and punched me in the gut.

I gasped and clutched my stomach. "What are you doing?! Stop!" Carson yelled, his chains were cackling while he moved around trying to reach me.

Carl stalked over to Carson and punched him in a the jaw and stomach repeatedly. He held his stomach and dropped to the ground in agony.

While Carl was distracted by him, I took advantage and shot out a powerhouse kick as hard as I could to his knees. He dropped to the ground hissing in pain. I took my feet and slammed it into his face.
Crack! Oops! I think I broke his nose... Permanently...

"Carson are you okay?" I asked softly. He groaned in response.

Suddenly, I felt a buzzing feeling in my wrist, I dropped to my knees and screamed out in pain.
Carson must have felt it too because he too was mirroring my actions.

"What! The! Fuc-!" I yelled in between screams before everything went pitch black...


Word Count: 871👊
Short chapter😣 but I'll say it was quite awesome💯

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