❝ Uh oh, now don't worry. Just remember, always let your conscience be your guide.
Let your conscience be your guide...let your conscience be your guide...

You know folks, you gotta be careful what you wish for around here, or you'll get yourself in an awful mess. But just when things look bad, fate steps in to see you through. We'll I'll be, it's the Blue Fairy! ❞ -Jiminy

❝ Remember, we must always believe in our wishes, for they are the magic in the world.
Now, let's all put our hearts together, and make a wish come true.

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish, I wish tonight. We'll make a wish, and do as dreamers do, and all our wishes, will come
true. ❞ -Blue Fairy

❝ You see, its just like I told ya. Wishes can come true, if you believe in them with all your heart. And the best part is, you'll never run out of wishes. They're shining deep down inside of you. Cause that my friends is where the magic lives.

Thanks folks, for making this little gathering of ours so extra magical. From our family and friends to yours, goodnight, and may all your wishes come true.
So long! ❞ -Jiminy



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Ariana Grande as Dorothy Gale

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Ariana Grande as Dorothy Gale

Ariana Grande as Dorothy Gale

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A story in which a girl wakes up in the land of OZ.


I hope you enjoyed the prologue for The Wizard of OZ!

As you can see, I've never wrote a prologue like this. These are the lyrics to "Wishes" by Walt Disney and it fits with the storyline and plot.

"Wishes" is an actual firework attraction at Disney World and you can watch the videos on YouTube. I downloaded the entire album and it makes me cry I swear, I love Disney.

It fits the storyline because you have a young girl who wishes to be a famous singer. A scarecrow who wishes for a brain. A tinman who wishes for a heart. And a lion who wishes for courage.

They have to walk all the way to Emerald City headass in order to meet the Wizard and get their wishes granted. But will he grant them?

We've all seen the Wizard of OZ so we know what's up lol.

Anyway, this story is coming soon and I may even add Disney World or Disney Land in the story as well. I'm creative so who knows.

Ari is Dorothy of course and the rest of the cast is private. And if you want to see Ari shine in my most popular book "Exposed", feel free to read lol it won "Best Eazy-E fanfic", "Best NWA fanfic", and "Best book cover."

Last but not least; "Take Care" will be my last Eazy-E book after "American Gangster" but before I write it, which one of these books should I write?

•"A Night With My Male Stripper" -Eazy-E

•"Schizophrenia" -Eazy-E

Which one?!

So that's it! This book will debut soon and I might just pull a Beyoncé lol

I bet ya screamed when you got this notification huh? 😝

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