Chapter seventeen-Hearing About the Art Show

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The after my suspension I received a warm welcome from Cassidy.

Cassidy came bounding up to me. Wrapping her arms tightly around me, she gave me a hug.

"Elliot! Elliot! Elliot," she squealed after our hug, jumping up and down.

"What is it," I asked. I had never seen Cassidy so happy.

Once again, without a word, Cassidy began dragging me off to the art room. Had she done some more paintings? Was I now a burst of colour? What was Cassidy so excited about?

At the art room, we were met by Miss Leary, the arts teacher and some stranger who looked to be in his early twenties.

"Cassidy, there you are. I thought you'd be here sooner but I see what the hold up was," Miss Leary said looking at me as she spoke her last words with a pleasant smile.

I felt a little uneasy. What did she mean by 'see what the hold up was'? Did she also think Cassidy and I were dating?

I wish. I hadn't told Cassidy yet that I liked her. I've never asked a girl out before. What if she said no? It would only make things awkward between us and then she probably wouldn't want to hang around me. I'd lose my only friend.

The stranger approached Cassidy and shook her hand.

"Hi, I'm the youth representative for the local art gallery. I, along with some others, have been approaching young artists to display their work in a Talented Youth Arts Display at the local art gallery this Saturday. Miss Leary told me about your recent line of artwork and I'd love to check it out," explained the stranger.

She shot a big bright smile at me and I smiled back. You could see she was trying to contain her exploding excitement.

I couldn't believe it. I was so proud of Cassidy. Her dream was to have her art in a gallery. And her recent art? I could easily tell that was the reason why she had dragged me here.

Cassidy rushed to her art. The canvases wobbled in her grip. I had to go rushing to help her before she dropped the stack of paintings.

Laying each painting along the wall and over the desks in order, the stranger examined the artwork. Some paintings he picked up, others he just stared at.

He would have been great at poker because you couldn't tell what he was thinking. Cassidy gripped my wrist, watching and waiting for some response from the stranger.

Finally, we received an answer.

"Not bad Millers, not bad. It's quite the interesting line you have here," He commented, taking a quick glance at me, "You're in."

He handed Cassidy a sheet of paper filled with all the information she needed and just left.


You learn something new everyday. Today I learnt what a male laybug is called.

A male ladybug is called a ladybug.

Now that's just sad.

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