Chapter thirteen-Another Visit from Cassidy

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"ELLIOT, GET UP!" Cassidy yelled as she hit me over the head with my pillow.

I grunted and rolled back over. Cassidy hit me again with my pillow. Why in the world was she in my room trying to wake me up?

I stretched out my arm and felt around for my phone sitting on my bedside table. The sudden brightness of my phone screen blinded me as I checked the time. It was noon.

"Sure its Saturday and I've had a decent sleep in but how and why are you in here?" I mumbled into my mattress.

I moaned as I received another blow in the head.

"Your back door was unlocked and I'm here to take you out again," Cassidy replied with a smile.

I slowly rolled out of bed. Cassidy had already taken me out once this week and now again. I grabbed some clothes from my wardrobe and turned around to Cassidy. I stood there staring at her; waiting for her to respond.

"What?! Am I not allowed to be in your room anymore?" Cassidy asked in a defensive tone.

I shook my handful of clothes up at her. A look of realisation and embarrassment swept over her face before she headed out of the room to let me get dressed in private.

We later arrived at a small building on the edge of the main street and bought some ice cream before walking to the park.

I hadn't been to the park in years. It was only on special occasions that my parents had taken me to the park when I was little and I don't really go out much these days. The park looked nicer than I remembered.

In the center of the park stood a small, recently painted, undercover picnic area which was surrounded by a very fragrant garden. In the far corner, sat a multicoloured playground. Brick paths swirled around the park while scattered trees stood tall. Each tree had a different flower making each tree appear anything but just green. By many of the trees sat a picnic table. Each picnic table had been uniquely painted by local artists.

"That's the table I painted. Right there, over by the garden," Cassidy pointed out.

We made our way to the picnic table Cassidy had painted and sat down.

"You've got me the best table and the best ice cream. You got anything else in plan?" I asked.

Cassidy reached into her small backpack that she had brought along and pulled out the camera. She only laughed as I groaned at the sight of the camera.

"You said, and I quote 'the best picnic table and the best ice cream'. The least you can do is let me take some photos," said Cassidy.

I mockingly mumbled Cassidy's sentence. I was given a glare so I smiled back only to receive an eye roll.

Cassidy had been doing a good job at helping me enjoy life. We either sat at my usual spot at lunch and chat or we'd go to the art room and I'd watch her paint. We had become inseparable at school, that is until we had to go to different classes. On Thursday and today, Cassidy had been kind enough to take me out to help me see how wonderful the world was. I have experienced such satisfactory for myself when I had recited my poem and now I was revisiting good childhood memories at the park all while enjoying the best ice cream I have ever had.

I was kinda starting to enjoy life now. I was sick of having inspiring lectures from Cassidy every second day but I was still kinda enjoying life.

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