Chapter fourteen-Fight, Fight, Fight

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I was sitting by myself at my usual spot at school. I guessed Cassidy was going to be a little late as she had just had art. Since Cassidy had come up with her little master plan, she had done many paintings of me. According to the paintings, I'm getting close to being completely happy. I'm about one sixth away from being that burst of colour.

"Oi dweeb, wheres your little girlfriend, huh? Did she finally see how pathetic you are," smirked one of the football players as he and three of his mates came over to where I was.

I sat there hoping if I just ignore them they might go away. Sadly, I just had to be wrong. They only came closer.

"Oh, boys do we have a mute person here?"

"Haha, he really must be pathetic."

"Wait, what's that you got there?" asked one of the jerks as he reached out for my poetry book.

"Leave me alone or else!" I glared at him as I snatched my book away from him. I stood up and began to walk away. Sadly, this didn't help either.

"Or else what?!" said one of the footballers as he blocked my path and gave me a little shove.

I received another shove from behind me. Another from the left and on the right too. I was surrounded and couldn't escape. All because in the one class I had with these quats, I refused to give them the answers to the homework.

A small hand tapped the tallest guy on the shoulder. The guy turned around and the rest of his football mates stopped shoving me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing," said a familiar voice. It was Cassidy.

Before you knew it, Cassidy had punched a footballer twice her height in the gut. It was a good punch too. This wasn't the end though.

The other guys surrounded Cassidy in attempt to scare her. You could tell this wasn't scaring Cassidy but you could also tell she felt uncomfortable.

Now it was my turn to tap one on the shoulder. The guy turned around and well that was it.

Cassidy was trying to pull us all apart while the crowd that had formed around us kept chanting 'fight, fight, fight'

It wasn't long until teachers rushed in, broke us apart and had us sent to the principal's office. We had to have a teacher standing between our opposing groups while waiting in the office to stop another fight from erupting.

In the end, the footballers and I were suspended and Cassidy only had a detention.

"Sorry about that," I apologised to Cassidy as we walked out of the office together.

"Sorry? What do you mean sorry? It's their fault, besides since we got sent to the office, you haven't quit smiling," laughed Cassidy as she gave me a friendly punch in the arm, "If beating the hell out of bullies makes you happy then I don't care if you get suspended and a bit beat up. Oh, and I'm gunna come by tomorrow after school and take some more photos if you don't mind."

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