Daichi sat up, stretching. "Of course I haven't." He sighed. "I guess I'll go to the agency. Let me wash up first." He got up, leaving the room.

I'm gonna go take a look around, Suga thought. He's been around Daichi's apartment many times before, but since it was always changing he'd take a peak at what changed and what didn't when he visited. Suga stopped at a tall bookcase, scanning the titles of every book.

He always changes the lever...his eyes rested on the thick spine of the Karasuno Spy Agency Rulebook. "Aha." Suga gave the book a little tug, listening to the ticking gears clicking inside the walls. It didn't take long for the bookcase to turn exactly 180 degrees, revealing a dim path for Suga to take.

The only light provided throughout this path was the bookcase entrance and the blue light from a small keypad at the end of the hallway. Suga had no trouble reaching the end of the hallway, because he had walked this same cold path many times before. 5-8-2-9. 

Suga typed these numbers into the keypad when he reached the end of the hallway. The stone wall dead end of before opened Suga up to a room full of all kinds of weapons. Guns to hide under clothing, knives dangerously sharp to the touch, a whole shelf of poisonous gases, and a whole bunch more.

Daichi's apartment never fails to amaze me. Suga walked over to a cabinet marked 'deadly' in big bold letter. He opened it, revealing a huge box of suicide pills, the supply appearing to have gotten larger since the last time he visited. "In case the entire mission slips from your hands," Daichi had told him when he first visited this room.

"Which should never happen..." Suga repeated Daichi's words to himself.

"Well, I hope that never happens." Daichi startled Suga, making him jump. Suga closed the cabinet, turning to face him. "The only time an agent had to use one of those pills was a long, long time ago. He got captured by Shiratorizawa agents and went through gruesome torture. We almost lost the whole agency. 

"He could've broke and spilled all of our secrets, but he fought as long as he could, up until the last moment. He swallowed the pill and was gone. I hope nothing like that will ever happen again." During Daichi's story, Suga's face had turned pale as he thought of the gruesome torture this agent had to go through.His soul fought hard, although he was only rewarded with eternal scars.

"Working in the field has its risks..." Suga idly said to himself.

"Come on," Said Daichi, motioning for Suga to come out of the room. "Let's go greet our friend." He smiled, easing Suga's worked up nerves.

"This place has really changed since I was last here," Asahi told Kiyoko. "I'm glad Daichi was able to hold things up while I was gone." He gave her a lopsided smile, brushing back a piece of loose hair.

"I don't think he would've done it without Sugawara. He's helped Daichi out a lot ever since you left." Kiyoko was searching through a filing cabinet, looking for Asahi's profile. "Having to keep track of so many agents can be tough for just one person." Asahi froze for a moment, realizing the fact that he had been replaced.

He probably forgot about me...Kiyoko must've noticed his change in behavior, because then she added, "But I'm sure he'll be happy to see your again after such a long time. I think you'll be happy working with him again. Right?" Asahi nodded, his smile returning. I'm overreacting. 

"Aha! Got it!" Kiyko pulled Asahi's profile out of the filing cabinet, handing it to him. "You might wanna talk to Daichi about any changes that need to be made. That's all you'll need me for. Have a good day!" She left the room to finish her reports. 

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