Chapter Twelve

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“So, students of Hogwarts, I would like to inform you all at this time of some changes that we will be facing this year. Now, I was not informed myself of this until a short while ago, but no matter. You shall all hear now,” McGonagall said, addressing everyone in the Great Hall at dinnertime.

“As you all know, magic is not just confined to the borders of Britain. Magic, like other things, is all around us. Hogwarts is not the only wizarding school of the world, students. In a week, Hogwarts shall be welcoming students from America, from Hartford School of Magic, and Greenway Academy for Witches and Wizards. I expect all of you to respect these students as you would your fellow Hogwarts students. That is all,” McGonagall finished.  

Chatter broke out as McGonagall sat back down again at the High Table, and Molly smirked as everyone around her asked everyone else questions.

“Didn’t I tell you that the Americans were coming?” Molly said. Lyra sighed.

“Yeah. I just can’t figure out why, though. There must be some reason,” Lyra said.

“I can’t think of anything,” Alex sighed, looking at the golden plates, goblets, and utensils that glistened in the light from the candles hanging from the ceiling. 

“Anyway, I can’t wait until they get here,” Lyra continued. James rolled his eyes.

“Oh, well. If they can play Quidditch, they’re alright by me,” James said, before food appeared on each House table. 

“And, so, class, today we’ll be talking about the Animagus. Can anyone tell me what that might be?” Dawes said, walking around his classroom. A week had passed by, and the Gryffindor fourth-years were in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Molly lazily raised her hand.

“Yes, Wood?”

“An Animagus is someone who can turn themselves into an animal, whenever they want to,” Molly sighed. Dawes smirked.

“Very good. And, can anyone tell me how to defeat an Animagus when they are in their animal form?” Dawes continued. 

“Sir,” another student that James didn’t know said, “how does any of this relate to Defense Against the Dark Arts?”

Dawes sighed.

“Animagi can be extremely dangerous, depending on what they can do in their animal state. Depending on their animal, they can kill a with or wizard- even Muggle. There are spells that one can use specifically on Animagi, as defense,” Dawes said, now lounging on his desk. 

The student didn’t reply. Instead, Dawes continued.

“Now, can anyone tell me how to defeat an Animagus?”

Nobody raised their hands, but just as Dawes smirked, James knew what was coming.

“You, Potter!” Dawes said. James looked up from his notebook. “You should know, Potter. Like always, you seem to have a history and expectancy of this. Can you enlighten us on this subject, if it’s not too troubling for James Potter?” 

James groaned, but slammed his book closed.

“Actually, no I can’t, Professor. Just because I’m a Potter doesn’t mean that I know everything about Defense Against the Dark Arts,” James snapped. 

“Are you sure, Potter?” Dawes clicked his tongue in a disapproving manner, and shook his head. “I’d be rather disappointed in you if you didn’t know one thing about Animagi, when your middle name is that of one of the most well-known Animagi of all time.”

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