Chapter Three

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It had been a week since Alex and James ventured into the Forbidden Forest. They, of course, found no one and nothing, and except for the fact that no other student had gone missing, the two were deeply disheartened. The school was still sticking to the rules that McGonagall issued: All students were to remain in their dormitories all day except for minimal classes, no evening activities, and no outdoor classes. Quidditch practices were still on, and the Gryffindor team was preparing for their first match against Hufflepuff. Everyone on the team was a nervous wreck, with the exception of Katie and James. Katie was completely flustered because they were short one player, a Chaser. Every moment she got, Katie would pester James to see if he had found anyone suitable.

“How about it, James? Anyone today?” Katie sat down next to James at lunch.

“No, Katie, I haven’t found anyone,” James said in a monotone, like everyday before.

“Really? What about Jude Rolland?”

“Nah, he’s never played for our team before, or even tried out.”

“What about your cousin? Roxanne?”

“She’s a prefect, she has to keep order in the stands,” James sighed. 

“Her brother, Fred?” Katie blushed slightly at the mention of James’s cousin.

“It’s possible.” James was, as usual, watching the entrance to the Great Hall as if to see Molly or Lucy walk in. Usually, at a time like this, James thought, the Slytherins are too happy, and now look at them. The Slytherin table was sullen because Justin O’Connor was their student taken. Reed looked happy; O’Connor wasn’t his favorite Slytherin. Lyra was sitting next to Rose, a few seats away from James, and Alex sat across from them, next to Albus. Without saying anything to Katie, he walked over to the four of them.

“Any of you interested in being a Chaser tomorrow?”

James could hear the cheering and shouting of all of Hogwarts in the stands above them. Katie was giving the team a last-minute pep talk. Avery Dutton was getting her gloves on, Skander and Liam were grabbing their clubs from the cupboard, and James was making sure his broom was clean and that the twigs at the ends were in order.

“James, I’m not so sure I can do this.” Lyra came up next to James. Alex had refused; considering the weather, he said, he’d rather commentate. The rain outside was pouring down.

“You’ll be fine. Katie said you worked well with her and Abilene at that pre-game practice. Just remember to keep focused.” James gave her a pat on the shoulder.

“What if I drop the Quaffle?” 

“You won’t,” James grinned.

“Okay, team. Here we go. I want a fair game, and Lyra, don’t be nervous. You were great yesterday. James, we need you to catch the Snitch pretty soon so we’ll be ahead. Alright? Let’s go,” Katie led the way out of the tiny room, and out the door onto the muddy pitch. Madam Hooch (who, as old as she was, was still helping with matches and other things related to Quidditch) was hovering in the middle of the pitch, holding the Quaffle and her wand. The Hufflepuffs were hovering higher than her, and they were grimacing with all of the rain. Hooch tossed the Quaffle up with a blow of her whistle, and Katie immediately snatched it and headed for the Hufflepuff goal. Lyra and Abilene followed in a triangle formation.

“That’s Martin with the Quaffle, of Gryffindor. Passes to Waverly, ducks under Casey from Hufflepuff, speeding towards the goal, drops to Quinn, filling in for Molly Wood…shoots, almost there- misses! Hampton, Keeper for Hufflepuff blocks the shot. Now Zachary of Hufflepuff, Chaser, has the Quaffle, he-oh, that’s a hard shot to the head, from Melange, Beater to Gryffindor…hit the Bludger at Chaser Owens…Zachary flies over Larkin, who heads toward Gryffindor hoops…shoots, and- Hufflepuff…scores…” Alex’s voice echoed throughout the pitch. The score was ten to zero. James was circling above everyone else searching for the Golden Snitch, like his father had taught him.

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