Chapter Ten

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“Alright, there, James? Haven’t seen you since last year!” laughed Katie Martin, now a sixth year. She was dressed in her Quidditch robes, and in one hand she held her broomstick. With a smile, James walked to her. It was a Saturday, one of the first few in the year. In James’ standards, the weather was perfect. 

“Yeah. What about you? Last I heard, you were going to watch a Holyhead Harpies match,” James grinned.

“Oh, yes, we did that. Saw your mum, too. Blimey, James, she’s a bloody good seeker! And, from the looks of it, a good captain, too,” Katie said, steering him over to the large crowd that had gathered for tryouts. Lyra, Molly, and Alex trailed behind them. Soon enough, the four of them had to part so that they could take their places in their lines. 

“OY! I hope everybody here is from Gryffindor- last year we had a few Ravenclaws- and if you’re not, sorry, but leave now! I’ll be starting with the Chasers, so everybody else, just watch and behave!” Katie said, before picking the first three possible Chasers out of the line. Since two of them had no broom, Katie Summoned two from the cupboard off the field. Annoyed, she and the three students soared up into the air, and flew two laps. 

Meanwhile, James was talking to Alex, who was in the line beside his. He took notice of Lyra and Molly talking; he never really thought they would get along. Standing a few people behind Molly was Abilene Waverly, nervously twirling her short hair. 

“Nervous, Waverly?” James called, gaining the attention of some people around him. James became silently happy that everyone turned…

“No. You wish!” Abilene spat back, but her voice sounder wary, and therefore, James knew she really was nervous about something.

“Oh, really? Are you afraid someone else will be a Chaser, and not you?” James taunted.

“It’s happened before,” Alex laughed. “When she was a second year, she didn’t make the team. Roxanne told me.” James sniggered.

“Really? And who took your spot?” James continued. 

Waverly mumbled something.

“What?” James almost gagged.

“Yes, yes, I didn’t make the team. But that’s happened to many other people as well. It’s not just me,” Abilene said, sniffing. 

Katie brought three more Chasers into the air.

“Serves you right,” Lyra muttered. Thankfully, Abilene didn’t notice this remark, and refused to speak to James or anyone else. (Secretly, they all agreed that they were please by this.) 

After standing in lines for a few more minutes, Katie finally got Molly, Lyra, and Abilene into the air. Since they had all played Gryffindor Quidditch before, they all had good balance and focus. James and Alex cheered them on (they cheered for Molly and Lyra only) as they waited for their own turns at Seeker and Beater. 

At one point, Waverly almost fell off of her broomstick, and Katie’s expression turned from pleased to disappointed.

“Maybe she won’t be on the team for that,” suggested Alex, after he had finished laughing with James.

“You never know. Katie thought she was good as a Chaser last year, so she might leave out either Molly or Lyra,” James said, leaning on his broom. He didn’t notice, but most of the younger students around him were gawking at his Nightspeed. 

“Alright everyone,” Katie called, as she finished up with the last three students in the Chaser line. “All of the Chasers can go back up to the school. Since there are less of you, I’ll start with the Seekers now. So, erm, you there- you’re the lucky winner.” Katie pulled the first boy in line. Katie winked at James as the boy fell off of his broom, while standing on the ground. 

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