A Note From the Author

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The following story was not entirely my idea; rather, it all began with seven simple books about a young wizard named Harry Potter by someone called J.K Rowling. However, although my own creations are of the same world, I completely credit all to Miss Rowling with complete respect. For although some characters, spells, and places are all my own, none of it would have been possible without a woman who was sitting in a cafe and began writing on a napkin. I greatly thank her, and for those who read it first.

 As for thanks, my gratitude is split four ways:

First, to Sydney, who followed young James from the beginning, reading and talking to me about his latest adventures and discoveries in his fight against the Radicals. I thank you gladly, not only as a fellow writer, but as a friend. Know that there will always be a place for you at Hogwarts among James, Molly, Alex, Lyra, and the rest of the characters I have come to care for so dearly.

 Secondly, to Shelby and Kim, who were among the next few to read the James Potter's adventure. There is no way I can thank you any more, since I have done enough of thanking over these long months. Furthermore, I thank the two of you for not laughing and telling me what a wonderful joke this was, since I know in my heart that you both knew it; I knew that it was a joke myself, yet look how far it has come! 

 Thirdly, I thank J.K Rowling once more. If it had not been for young Harry, James and his company would never have surfaced past the barriers of imagination and wonder. For the magic, the world, and the Boy Who Lived, I thank you greatly and accredit all to you.

 And finally, I bow my head to anyone who will read this, in hopes that they will not only find my simple tale enjoyable but also a continuation of the Potter family. Of course, nothing would be possible without those to follow.


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